Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Virtue Ethics

San Joaquin Valley College Different Approaches to Virtue By Martin P. Aguayo Philosophy 1 C May 13, 2010 Virtue Ethics The Greeks though of virtue as excellence, but the biggest part of being virtuous is being human. Compassion, integrity and courage are some of the virtues that make someone human. Animals do not have a concept of what virtue is, so that makes it solely a human act. You never see animals being courteous to each other, nor do you see them offer assistance to each other. The only animals that come close to showing signs of virtue are pack animals. Although, if an animal in the pack betrays the pack there is no second chances. (dictionary of world philosophy) Consequentialist Approach The Consequentialist determines what is right and wrong with virtue by action. (dictionary of quotations) The one thing that produces the most good will always prevail. This is similar to utilitarianism. I do not agree with this so let me give you an example, if the government wants to take over a dairy farm and it would benefit the community at large, they do. The people that own the dairy farm are unfortunately the victims and also a negligible risk. In my opinion, because the affected group is so small it does not mean they are insignificant. Consequentialist is the wrong way to go. In order to be virtuous all around you must care about everyone and everything. Although the greater good was going to benefit, the farmer does not have to suffer. The government only gives fair market value for the farm and to many people that is okay. I ask you were you the one doing all the work on this farm? Is there a price that you can place on sentiment? In my opinion nothing is more important than family, and if this farm was passed down to me by my father and his father passed it down to him there is no price worth selling for. Because of the Emanate Property law this can be done to anyone at any time without notice. One day the property is yours and the next there is a man standing at the door with a check and a vacancy notice saying you have 5 days to vacate the premises. Non-Consequentialist Theory I do not agree with this approach either; non-consequentialists believe that if something must be done, it must be done no matter what the price. This kind of thinking is destructive; it places irrational thinking into people’s minds. If this kind of thinking were allowed at all times there would be complete chaos. For example I will use the massive oil spill of the Gulf of Mexico as an example. Right now we are in a time of great need, our country and many like it are consumed with the thirst for oil. Unfortunately our great thirst is not quenched. We cannot live off of the oil that we drill on land alone. So we justify drilling of shore by saying that we cannot survive without it, and as soon as some kind of oil spill happens all of a sudden there is no one to blame. The people want to blame the company that drilled into the oceans floor, but completely forget the people who voted for the drilling. With non-consequentialism there are no consequences for our actions, no one to tell us that we are doing a great injustice to ourselves and our land. (ethics and morality) The only time that I would ever agree with this type of theory is when there is a child involved. For example if my child was abducted or in and kind of danger I would do everything in my power to get him back into safe and loving arm. The consequences are insignificant at this point. The only thing that matters if that my little boy is safe and sound. If I go to jail for severely hurting someone, so be it. There is a love between a child and a parent that nothing can ever compare to. I love my son so much that I would give an arm for him, and not the expression I would literally give an arm for him. If we allow anything to happen to our children what will we have left? There would be no legacy of the human race; there would neither history of our past nor any joy. Without a doubt, this would be the only way that I would ever agree with the non-consequentialism. Contractarianist Theory This is the theory that I tend to lean towards and it is the one that the book talks about the least if at all. This theory states nothing that causes harm is to be ever implemented. I know that it is a little extreme but it is the one that I like. It is kind of the theory behind world peace, if there was no harm would there be chaos in this world, I think not. References virtue. (2001). In Dictionary of World Philosophy. Retrieved from http://www. credoreference. com/entry/routwp/virtue Virtue. (1998). In Collins Concise Dictionary of Quotations. Retrieved from http://www. credoreference. com/entry/hcdquot/virtue Ethics and Morality. (1996). In Philosophy of Education: An Encyclopedia. Retrieved from http://www. credoreference. com/entry/routpe/ethics_and_morality

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Interrupt and a Trap in an Operating System Essay

What are the differences between an interrupt and a trap? What are their importance? According to Stallings (2012) an interrupt is â€Å"a suspension of a process, such as the execution of a computer program, caused by an event external to that process and performed in such a way that the process can be resumed† (p. 716). Stallings (2012) goes on to say that â€Å"interrupts are provided primarily as a way to improve processor utilization. For example, most I/O devices are much slower than the processor† (p. 14). â€Å"A trap is an unprogrammed conditional jump to a specified address that is automatically activated by hardware; the location from which the jump was made is recorded† (Stallings, 2012, p. 721). A trap is actually a software generated interrupt caused either by an error (for example division by zero, invalid memory access etc.), or by a specific request by an operating system service generated by a user program. Trap is sometimes called Exception. The hardware or software can generate these interrupts. When the interrupt or trap occurs, the hardware transfers control to the operating system which first preserves the current state of the system by saving the current CPU registers content and program counter’s value. Then the focus shifts to the determination of which type of interrupt has occurred. For each type of interrupt, separate segments of code in the operating system determine what action should be taken and thus the system keeps on functioning by executing computational instruction, I/O instruction, storage instruction etc. Provide an example of each. Example of an Interrupt retrieved from // AVR_ISR_1 #include #include typedef uint8_t u8; // convenient unsigned variable designations typedef uint16_t u16; #define INPORT PIND #define OUTPORT PORTC #define OUTDDR DDRC volatile u8 Int_flag = 0; ISR( INT0_vect ) { OUTPORT ^= 0x01; // toggle LED } void int0_init( void ) { MCUCR = (1

Monday, July 29, 2019

Comparing and contrasting Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam. beliefs Essay

Comparing and contrasting Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam. beliefs from given documents - Essay Example It is upon us to appreciate the similarities and differences in these religions, as the writer will show in this paper. Christianity is based on Jesus and the Bible; everything that Christians practice is found in the Bible as interpreted by Jesus (Spirin 13). On the other hand, Islam is based on Muhammad’s teachings as revealed to him by angel Gabriel. Hinduism is based on medieval revealed texts like the Upanishads and the Vedas, and their existence cannot be associated with any single source. The central message in the Bible is love and forgiveness, while the central theme in the Quran is peace and brotherhood. In Hinduism, the central theme is that all beings – animate and inanimate- are divine and that God manifests in all things (Barker, Gregory, Gregg, and Tutu 38). All three religions discourage war and hate, and encourage peace and love in all beings. All three religions believe in the existence of an omnipotent and omnipresent being who watches over us day and night. There are other shared themes like respect and forgiveness, and that a final judgment will be passed on all man kind based on our actions on earth. Further, all three religions believe in some form of heaven and hell, where people who disobey their teachings will suffer forever and those who are obedient will live forever in happiness (Spirin 56). While Christians and Muslims do not believe in impersonal Gods, Hindus do. Hindus believe in an impersonal God called Brahman who pervades all mankind but also stands apart from all mankind. It is absolutely impersonal, in sharp contrast to Christianity and Islam which do not have any impersonal gods (Spirin 19). Hindus believe that Brahman is completely beyond human knowledge, understanding, or thought. According to Hindu beliefs, Brahman is neither a thing nor a non-thing; it is neither a person nor a non-person; it is genderless and numberless; and it is infinite (Spirin 32). On the other hand, all three religions teach the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Choose one Experiential Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Choose one Experiential Project - Essay Example In a criminal justice system, these three separate outfits work together both as the primary means of maintaining the rule of law in society and under the rule of law. America is recognized for having one of the most advanced judicial systems in the entire universe. Every day a large number of people, including police officers, accused criminals, judges, lawyers, and government officials, play a part in this system, attempting to work for justice and settle disputes. What makes the American justice system more incredible is that it has the capacity to function successfully in a country which is diverse and large. Police officers, judges, lawyers, and government officials play a significant part in the legal system, a role that is frequently unknown, disregarded, or misunderstood by most members of the public. The interview with the police officer was conducted over a period of three days. The interview had to go on for three days because the meeting could only take place in the eveni ng after work and the police officer had to go to his evening part time occupation. The police officer has been in the profession for almost fifteen years. The police officer is medium build and almost six feet tall. He is also married and has two children. In contrast to his build and tall physique, he is soft-spoken, and never responded to my questions without a bit of a pause. Nevertheless, he courteously refused his identity to be revealed (Fuller, 2005). This paper will be in form of a narrative based on the police officer’s interview regarding his views on the criminal justice system. The paper will look at whether the criminal justice system works, in what ways it does not work, and the future of the criminal justice system. The paper will also compare and contrast what the police officer says with relevant sections of the text. The conclusion of the paper will address lessons derived from speaking with the police officer. In the view of the police officer, the United State’s criminal justice system largely works, but there are ways in which it does not work. The police officer also gave me his views on the future of the criminal justice system. According to the police officer, one of the things that make the criminal justice system work is a carefully ordered and balanced hierarchy. A number of different federal courts deal with issues that are related to federal law and every state has its specific set of courts which adapt to the desires of the people. In addition, all through the different stages of the process, there is constitutional protection to make sure that the liberties of the convicted and accused are respected. These protections balance the fundamental liberties of the accused and the need of the criminal justice system to probe and take legal actions against criminals (Fuller, 2005). Moreover, the police officer argued that there are a number of rights obtained from the constitution which safeguards the accused from cruelty and overreaching from law enforcement officers. The most significant of these rights are arguably the Fourth Amendment which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and the Miranda advisement. The Fourth Amendment which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures prevents law enforcement officers from searching a criminal suspect or his premises without a search warrant. Nevertheless, the officers asserted that there are exemptions for explanatory situations, for example, when a police

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Quality Management and Continuous Improvement Unit 2 IP Research Paper

Quality Management and Continuous Improvement Unit 2 IP - Research Paper Example It is recognised from the investigation that the current process followed by the hotel to check guest in and out has certain limitations for both including guests and the hotel. In this regard, it is determined that the hotel needs to develop a new process that would ensure convenient and efficient customer experience as well as facilitate in maximum utilisation of the hotel’s resources. Superior quality customer service is an essential requirement for any hotel providing services to guest for ensuring long-term sustainability (Oh, 1999). Based on the above tabular presentation, it can be observed that there are various areas that need to be improved within Hotel Escargo in order to ensure better services to its customers. Corresponding to the scenario provided, Hotel Escargo can make improvements in three broad areas particularly in its check-in and check-out process as well as in-room service. The current check-in and check-out procedure followed by Hotel Escargo is illustrated below with the use of a diagram. It would be vital for Hotel Escargo to upgrade its check-in and check-out procedure implemented by the Rooms Division Department. The improvement in this procedure will facilitate the hotel to offer exceptional services by reducing wastage of time. Nonetheless, there are various other areas that can be improved within the next 3-6 months. Correspondingly, it would be vital for Hotel Escargo to place priority on improving check-in and check-out procedure. It would be relevant for Hotel Escargo to adopt industry standard in order to improve its efficiency of delivering services to its customers. Adhering to industry standards will also facilitate in attracting a large customer base and thereby reap the benefit of increased revenue arising from the improvement made in terms of check-in and checkout procedure.

OBESITY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

OBESITY - Essay Example Affective: Students’ will enumerate the steps needed to be taken by an average person for preventing obesity in self after the technical details have been demonstrated and taught to them. The Set: As this particular group of students’ is studying health science as their major subject, they are presumed to be aware of the benefits of good physical and mental health. Obesity is an easily observable phenomenon in present society with adequate media coverage on its ills. The introductory formal discussion will involve inputs from the teacher as well as the students to form a consensus on the importance of the topic. Prior knowledge will be assessed through a 15 minutes written questionnaire which will include questions on the causes and sequels of obesity. The role of lifestyle, food categories, lack of exercise, and increased level of dependence on automation in the modern era will be included in the ‘causes’ questions and awareness of diseases like acute hear t failure, diabetes Type II, depression, etc. which are the direct consequences of obesity will be included in the ‘sequels’ questions.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Kohlbergs Moral Stage Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Kohlbergs Moral Stage Theory - Essay Example An examination of â€Å"developing structures† through which an individual makes moral judgments will enable us to understand moral development (p.54). I agree with Kohlberg’s Moral Stage Theory, and judging by its tenets of moral development I will place myself at Stage 5. At this stage, the sense of morality in me has bloomed to its full development, where I have attained the constructs of â€Å"social contract† and â€Å"legalistic orientation† and I perceive right action in terms of the alignment of citizens’ right with the behavioural standards as prescribed by the society (p.55). Through my education as well as insights from personal experience, at this stage, I, have been able to obtain necessary awareness of the â€Å"relativism of personal values and opinions† and the need to adhere to relevant rules before a specific action (p.55). Thus, when I take an action, I do not merely consider the legal aspects when deciding its propriety bu t also the rights of others as well as the impacts of my action on them, though it may not legally violate their rights. As a person involved in the study of criminal justice, I also have understood that I must be â€Å"especially sensitive† towards ethics in my personal and academic life as well as professional life in future (Pollock, 2011, p.4). In this context, law enforcement officers are endowed with a lot of power and if they use it indiscriminately, it can lead to misuse of official authority that entails in violation of human rights. However, I understand that even if police officers have immunity in most cases in respect of action against them, they should not indulge in any activity that may violate the rights of citizens. On the other hand, I also know those hat police officers an explicit responsibility to â€Å"uphold and enforce† laws, in the process of which, sometimes they may not be able to fully comply with principles of protecting the rights of othe rs.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Policy paper (stating the solutions to improve the security in Kenya Assignment

Policy paper (stating the solutions to improve the security in Kenya using help from the international community) - Assignment Example These solutions however cannot be handled by the country alone and the international community will have to chip in if they are to be successful in this endeavor. The resulting aim will be beneficial to all involved as a safer country will lead to a more prosperous environment which will allow for an increase in the co operation of countries and organizations in sectors such as business and other areas of international concerns (Hastings, 2012). The first step in ensuring that the security threat is efficiently dealt with is the creation of new policies that will enable Kenya and the cooperating countries to meet this menace head on. There are a number of policies that can be implemented that will assist in the achievement of this goal, they include: Military Support The main security threat facing the country consists of militants based in neighboring countries who happen to have armed forces at their disposal and use this resource to cause havoc in the areas that they wish to contr ol (Prabhakaran, 2008). These areas includes places such as the countries borders where they have attempted to take control of the region so as to enhance their control and hold over the areas that they wish to take charge of. ... Military support in this case will consist of the sending of troops to these areas to support the local military in their attempt to gain back control of the regions that have been most affected by the invasion of these terrorist armed forces. The additional provision of extra men will increase the country’s ability to fight back where necessary especially in the areas that have been suffering frequent attacks form these militants and will enhance the probability of victory during battles (Prabhakaran, 2008). The troops will also provide extra man power for activities such as border control that will allow them to cover the areas that are patrolled more efficiently and without the exhaustion of the resources at the country’s disposal. Military support can also include the sending of weapons that will allow the country to fight these attacks more efficiently and hopefully in the process discourage the militants from attempting to wage war on the soldiers that have been s ent to these regions (Prabhakaran, 2008). It should be noted that the individuals kidnapped from this region are not always of Kenyan origin and some are expatriates who happen to be working in the area at that point in time thus this support will not only be for the protection of the Kenyan people alone but also the citizens of other international areas who operate in this region. Access Control This can be described as the restrictive control of regions of concern that will make it difficult for unauthorized people to enter these areas (Prabhakaran, 2008). Access control can also refer to restrictive prohibitions of other items such as Visas that allow entry into the country without a stern background check to confirm that the individual in question does not harbor any ill will that may be the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Marketing Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing - Article Example To some, the suggestion that an orderly and analytical process of decision making, not only on a personal level – but more so in business, should include the discussion of highly controversial ethical issues, about which honest differences of opinion are common and self-deceiving rationalization endless, is repugnant. Ethics, after all, encompass wider perspectives of human concerns ultimately affecting business organizations. Ethics and social responsibility are important in the business world for a variety of reasons. Business is not all about making money. Social responsibility is considered the â€Å"obligation of an organizations management towards the welfare and interests of the society which provides it the environment and resources to survive and flourish, and which is affected by the organizations actions and policies† (Business Dictionary, 2010, par. 1). Marketers consider the type of packaging appropriate for their products that must conform to ethical standards and environmental safety concerns. Most marketers veer away from packages which are not biodegradable and which can harm the environment such as using styropore or plastics. Plastic bags have effects which are endangering the environment at an enormously fast pace, most governmental environmental agencies have recognized the immediate need to take drastic actions to stop or minimize the use of plastic bags. Firms ultimately recognize that abiding by ethical standards pay off in terms of better financial performance with employees exhibiting higher performance and productivity due to an environment of trust, employees are therefore more loyal contributing to low turnover, and a preponderance for higher investor loyalty, among others. Firms that incorporate policies on ethics and cultural diversity, social responsibilities, the concern for the environment and the community, achieve their organizational goals more efficiently with the support from their

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Separation Strategies for Isoprenoids from Aqueous Solutions Term Paper

Separation Strategies for Isoprenoids from Aqueous Solutions - Term Paper Example The simplicity, cost and energy efficiencies as well as the separation capability of solvent extraction, make it the best among these techniques. Introduction Found in all classes of living organisms, isoprenoids are the largest and a diverse group of biomolecules. Also known as terpenoid, isoprenoids are derived from five-carbon isoprene units (2-methyl-1,3-butadiene) assembled and modified in thousands of ways (Encyclop?dia Britannica). In isoprenoids, two to thousands of the isoprene units, through one or neither of its double bonds, are linked into larger molecules to form linear or ring structures. As biomolecules, isoprenoids play a wide variety of roles in plant and animal physiological processes and as intermediates in the biological synthesis of other important biomolecules. The flavors, fragrances of essential oils and other plant-derived substances are due to these molecules. Geraniol, an isoprenoid, is a contributor to the fragrance of rose perfume. These molecules are al so extracted from plants or chemically synthesized to be used as pharmaceuticals (e.g. taxol, bisabolol, lycopene, artemisinin), animal feed supplements and food colorants (various carotenoids) For instance, lycopene is the red pigment in tomatoes while carotene, an isoprenoid and precursor of vitamin A, is responsible for the pigment in carrots. Given the biological importance and applications of these molecules, numerous chemical techniques have been developed for their isolation from their natural sources, which inevitably contains some amount of water. Conventional separation techniques such as distillation, fractional distillation, stream distillation, crystallization, solvent extraction, enfleurage, and chromatography are used. The chemical and physical properties of the compound as well as its abundance and distribution in nature, influenced the choice of technique. For instance, while volatile and plentiful isoprenoids such as turpentine are isolated by distillation of oleor esins, extremely rare compounds such as insect’s hormones are separated from the substrate by chromatography. Currently, fundamental research has been directed towards extraction of these molecules from their natural source by bioaccumulation in microorganism, from which these isoprenoids can be extracted (Clark, Maury and Asadollahi 29). This article seeks to discuss the various conventional and emerging separation techniques used for the separation of isoprenoids from aqueous substrate. This discussion will include overview of the underlying principle involved in the process, design considerations with respect to the technique, fundamental challenges associated with the technique and suggestion of the best technique with respect to performance, safety, cost, and energy efficiency. In addition, specific applications of the best technique will be given. Conventional separation techniques for the isolation of isoprenoids Conventional technologies employed include, simple disti llation, fractional distillation, stream distillation, vacuum distillation, solvent extraction, crystallization, and chromatographic techniques. Simple distillation Distillation involves the conversion of a liquid into vapor and the subsequent condensation of the vapor to back to liquid form. Distillation, as performed in the industry or laboratory is based differences in their volatilities (boiling point) of the mixture. Thus distillation is a physical separation process, and not a chemical reaction.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Inactivity and Obesity Essay Example for Free

Inactivity and Obesity Essay Review the article â€Å"Physical activity and sedentary activity patterns among children and adolescents: A latent class analysis approach† for this assignment. As individuals and families spend more time in front of televisions, playing video games, surfing the internet, etc., incidence and prevalence rates of overweight and obese people in throughout the world increase. Based on the article, describe family, community, and school level strategies you would use in planning an obesity prevention program. The following items in particular will be assessed: 1. Identify two specific strategies (family, community, or school level) you would use to plan an obesity prevention program. Include evidence-based information as to why you believe these strategies will be the best ones to use. 2. In your opinion, when should obesity prevention start? What should be the ideal age to start obesity prevention, knowing that lifestyle has a great impact on whether individuals will become obese? 3. Provide empirical evidence to support your position as to when obesity prevention should start. Make sure to cite your sources. Introduction Studies of the health behavior of healthy individuals and families are closely correlated since without the support of a family, an individual would not prosper in healthy behaviors. This example hit close to home since there was someone at home always trying to gear my brother, sister, and myself in the right way. This might not be the case for other families and they might have different types of issues that are involved in the studies of health behavior of individuals and families. Human behavior plays a central role in the maintenance of health and the prevention of disease. Issues Involved Some of the issues involved in the studies of the health behavior of healthy individuals and families are the different strategies for establishing healthy eating habits in children and adolescents might be quite ineffective for changing maladaptive eating behaviors. This seems to be a major issue with families of all types of financial background. The majority of individuals that lack the monetary resource to buy healthier food choices seem to be at riskiest end. Also, maintaining a particular behavior over time might require different strategies than will establishing behavior. Studies Accomplished/Reasons they are Important Studies can be accomplished through different age groups and addressing certain behaviors cues associated with healthy families and individuals. For example, one might ask a teenage group if they have ever tried smoking or drinking. From this study, they can find out information concerning the individual behavior and why it is not conducive to healthy family behaviors. Two examples of studies accomplished from the reading are classical conditioning and operant-conditioning which each has its own way of learning behaviors. For example, classical conditioning modifies behavior by repeatedly pairing a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus that elicits the desired response. This type of learning behavior is important it allows the studies to see what mechanisms triggers different people to behave a certain way. One of the most famous classical conditioning was taught in a previous class that mentioned the salivation of dog in response to a bell being rung. The reason behind this was that every time individual brought in food for the dog, they would ring a bell. Later, they found out that just the ringing alone would set of excitement in the dog. This is important because we find out what triggers an individual’s happiness and with little help, their behavior can be geared towards a healthier one. In individuals, if someone is praised on how well they look and that they are maintaining their bodies well, the compliments alone can trigger an individual to want more praises, thus maintaining a great physique. The second type of study conducted was the operant-conditioning which builds on classical conditioning and focuses on the hypothesis that the frequency of a behavior is determined by its consequences. One example would be that of rewards for positive behavior as well as decreasing behavior from punishment. If an individual, gets praises for cleaning their room and is told that if they discontinue cleaning their room, they will make their parents disappointed, that individual might not want the negative responses thus making them decrease their negative behaviors. Contribution to Existing Knowledge These studies contribute to the existing knowledge by showing us that health behaviors can be changed by the way we treat each other. Also, with the studies, we are able to see how an individual’s health behavior can be controlled by praises and can also eliminate negative behavior by adding negative consequences.

US Magnesium Essay Example for Free

US Magnesium Essay In Feb 2004, US Magnesium, the sole surviving US producer of magnesium, a metal that is primarily used in the manufacture of certain automobile parts and aluminum cans, filed a petition with the US International Trade Commission (ITC) contending that a surge in imports had caused material damage to the US industry’s employment, sales, market share, and profitability. According to US Magnesium, Russian and Chinese producers had been selling the metal at prices significantly below market value. During 2002 and 2003, imports of magnesium into the US rose 70%, while prices fell by 40% and the market share accounted for by imports jumped to 50% from 25%. â€Å"The US used to be the largest producer of magnesium in the world†, a US Magnesium spokesman said at the time of the filing. â€Å"What’s really sad is that you can be state of the art and have modern technology, and if the Chinese, who pay people less than 90 cents an hour, want to run you out of business, they can do it. And that’s why we are seeking relief†. During a yearlong investigation, the ITC solicited input from various sides in the dispute. Foreign producers and consumers of magnesium in the US argued that falling prices for magnesium during 2002 and 2003 simply reflected an imbalance between supply and demand due to additional capacity coming on stream not from Russia or China but from a planned Australian plant. The Canadian plant shut down in 2003, the Australian plant never went into operation, and prices for magnesium rose again in 2004. Magnesium consumers in the US also argued to the ITC that imposing antidumping duties on foreign imports of magnesium would raise prices in the US significantly above world levels. A spokesman for Alcoa, which mixes magnesium with aluminum to make alloys for cans, predicted that if antidumping duties were imposed, high magnesium prices in the US would force Alcoa to move some production out of the US. Alcoa also noted that in 2003, US Magnesium was unable to supply all of Alcoa’s needs, forcing the company to turn to imports. Consumers of magnesium in the automobile industry asserted that high prices in the US would drive engineers to design magnesium out of automobiles or force manufacturing elsewhere, which would ultimately hurt everyone. The six members of the ITC were not convinced by these arguments. In March 2005, the ITC ruled that both China and Russia had been dumping magnesium in the US. The government decided to impose duties ranging from 50% to more than 140% on imports of magnesium from China. Russian producers face duties ranging from 19% to 22%. The duties will be levied for five years, after which the ITC will revisit the situation. According to US Magnesium, the favorable ruling will now allow the company to reap the benefits of nearly $50 million in investments made in its manufacturing plant during the last few years and enable the company to boost its capacity by 28% by the end of 2005. Commenting on the favorable ruling, a US Magnesium spokesman noted, â€Å"Once unfair trade is removed from the marketplace we’ll be able to compete with anyone†. US Magnesium’s customers and competitors, however, did not view the situation in the 2002-2003 period as one of unfair trade. While the imposition of antidumping duties no doubt will help to protect US Magnesium and the 400 people it employs from foreign competition, magnesium consumers in the US are left wondering if they will be the ultimate losers.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

An Analysis Of Shaffers Equus

An Analysis Of Shaffers Equus The play is in two acts, the first consisting of twenty-one; the second of thirty-five scenes. It is not realistic in that it includes flashbacks performed onstage (like a movie). However, it is an explanatory one with Shaffers notes while read. It is a play consisting of individuals rather than types. Each character has his/her individuality along with his/her own perspective of life. We learn about the characters from what other characters tell about them; from what they tell about themselves; as well as from Shaffers explanation about them within parentheses. Although it is an open ended play it goes far from the lineer plot structure with its amazing climax. The forward and backward action of the play makes it a different one. Moreover while the play has speech when the time is present, it contains action when it is backward. It is a symbolic play and can be called a journey into the mind of Alan Strang, a seventeen year old boy. It analyzes Alans religious obsession with horses which is based on his complicated feelings due to his religious background and his increasing sexual side as a teenager. This confusion of religion, in fact, is a consequence of some signals from his religious, middle-class mother and his atheist, working-class father. Alans perception of religion and sexuality is conflicted and his way of praying becomes a fear of a horse spirit named Equus. He ends up with blinding six horses in the stable because of the fact that they have watched him with a girl. Rosefeldt states that Equus is inspired by a real-life event of which the author had very little details. Someone told Shaffer about a boy who blinded horses (Rosefeldt 89). Equus, the horse gradually becomes a source of freedom and worship for Alan. As he worships Equus passionately, Alan goes away from being normal. There are two main characters in the play, Martin Dysart and Alan Strang, the protagonist. While the play is Alans story, it soon becomes Dysarts story, too. Dysart is a psychiatrist and is asked to treat Alan Strang. Dysart admits to treat Alan as a patient, believing his lawyer friend Hesther Salomon that the boy has something special. In Act I, the audiences learn that Alan comes from a Christian mother Dora Strang and an atheist father Frank Strang who have argument in agreeing how to raise Alan. Alans mother tries to impose religion on Alan and does not avoid talking about sex as well. As he grows up and becomes a teenager, his mothers words become confusing for him. Alans obssesion with the horses is actually a typical result of his mothers words: Dora. I used to tell him a funny thing about falling off horses. Did you know that when Christian cavalry first appeared in the New World, the pagans thought horse and rider was one person? Dysart. Really? Alan. (sitting up, amazed) One person? Dora. Actually, they thought it must be a god. Alan. A god! Dora. It was only when one rider fell off, they realized the truth. Dysart. Thats fascinating. I never heard that before . . . Can you remember anything else like that you may have told him about horses. Dora. Well, not really. They are in the Bible of course. He saith among the trumpets, Ha, ha. Dysart. Ha, ha? (Equus 11) Dora has also let Alan watch some Western films without his fathers knowledge (Equus 12). She is the one in the play introducing the word equus stating that it is a Latin word for horse by which Alan is fascinated since he has not heard a word with two Us (Equus 12). As for Frank, he has never approved of his wife teaching Alan Bible since he is an atheist. For Frank, Alans psychology has been corrupted because of Doras teachings of Bible. Alan has been having nightmares in which he keeps saying Ek! . . . Ek! . . .Ek! (Equus 14). Dysart first tries psychotherapy to learn the reasons for Alans problems. However, those therapies consequently reveal some interesting clues about Dysarts own problems. Alan is a clever boy and he tries to work on Dysarts psychology in the way Dysart does: Dysart. Do you dream often? Alan. Yes, do you? Dysart. Yes. Do you have a special dream? Alan. No. Do you? Dysart. Yes. What was your dream about last night? Alan. Cant remember. Whats yours about? Dysart. I said the truth. Alan. Thats the truth. Whats yours about? The special one. Dysart. Carving up children. (Equus 14) Shapiro who analyzes the play technically, suggests for the relationship between Dysart and Alan: [T]he symbolic aspect is in the phrases Dysart uses to set the scene in motion. What they symbolize is Dysarts dishonesty, as Alans symbolic event also revealsAlan is playing a symbolic event with an iconic, truculent aspect, the object of which is the audiences recognition of Dysarts dishonesty In this case the audience knows from the Nurses previous indexical event that Dysart knew about Alans nightmares. Thus, they should recognize that Dysart began the interview with a lie. Consequently, the interview cannot proceed until Alan turns indexical. He will do this once Dysart becomes truthful. Hence, Alan suggests that they interview each other. (Shapiro 111) In the tenth scene of the first act, the audience is again introduced to a flashback. During this second therapy, Alan goes back to the time when he was six years old: Horseman. Whoa! . . . Whoa there! Whoa! . . Sorry! I didnt see you! . . . Did I scare you? Alan. No! Horseman. (looking down at him) Thats a terrific castle! Alan. Whats his name? Horseman. Trojan. You can stroke him, if you like. He wont mind. (Equus 19) In this scene Alans parents arrive and warn the horseman. His father takes him from the horsemans shoulders and they get angry with the horseman. Frank who is strictly against riding horses is sad to see Alan hurt, however Alan is glad to have ridden a horse. He explains his act saying I wanted to laugh! (Equus 20). It is here clear that Alan as a boy, demands to have joy; no matter how his parents think. It is the passion destroyed by his parents. What Dysart really wants to learn is the reason why Alan blinded the six horses in the stable. As a psychiatrist, Dysart wants to go into the deepest places of Alans psychology in order to give some meaning to this act of Alan. However, Alan neither explains why he blinded the horses nor tells something that can help Dysart find some reason behind it. He continues playing with the psychiatrist. In the eleventh scene we are told that Alan, when he was twelve, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ insisted on buying à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ {the picture of Christ loaded down with chains} with his pocket money, and hanging it at the foot of his bed where he could see it last thing at night (Equus 21). However, Frank, the atheist father tore and threw it away. Instead of the picture, he put a photograph of a horse which made Alan happy. In the fifteenth scene, Dysart has finally managed to have more clues about Alans situation. He has learnt from Frank about a girl in Alans life and decided to ask some questions about the stable. Alan takes the audience to the previous year when he first talked to Jill a middle-class girl in her early twenties. At this time, Alan is working in a shop and Jill has come to the shop in order to buy some blades for a clipping machine to clip horses (Equus 29). Jill is working in a stable owned by Harry Dalton. She suggests Alan ride horses however Alan is here hesitant since he knows his parents would be against it. He finally agrees to go to the stable and meet Dalton. As soon as he arrives the stable, Dalton tells him about the horses and teaches him how to ride a horse. Here we are introduced to Nugget, a horse which will soon have an important part in the play. When Alan is left alone with the horses in the stable, his passion returns. What Dysart wants to learn is whether Alan ha d a date with Jill; however Alan is again escapist in his answers and he instead tries to question Dysart about his own dates. It is in scene seventeen where the audiences come to realize the inner conflict of Dysart. Alan tries to catch Dysart from his weakest point. Dysart has never had any sexual relationship with any women in his life, including his wife. He is nervous when he is asked why he does not have any children and suddenly needs cigarettes. His soliloquy in this scene is a clear evidence about this psychiatrists psychology: What am I, then? . . . Wicked little bastard [Alan] knew exactly what questions to try. Hed actually marched himself round the hospital, making enquiries about my wife. Wicked and of course, perceptive. Ever since I made that crack about carving up children, hes been aware of me in an absolutely specific way. Of course, there is nothing novel in that. Advanced neurotics can be dazzling at that game. They aim unswervingly at your area of maximum vulnerability. . . Which I suppose is as good a way as any of describing Margaret. (Equus 32) The next scene reveals Dysarts problems with his wife Margaret. Dysart explains Hesther why they did not have any children. He blames Margaret for this. He states that Margaret sits beside [their] salmonpink, glazed brick fireplace, and knits things for orphans; for him, his wife is a domestic monster who is the Shrinks Shrink (Equus 34). While Dysart likes to read about Ancient Greece, Margaret hates such things. Their marriage is including two different persons, being very similar to Alans parents marriage. Shaffer prefers to give this marriage from one point of view that of the husband. We never meet the wife. Dysart is unhappy and uncomfortable in his marriage. He tells his friend, Hesther: Do you know what its like for two people to live in the same house as if they were in different parts of the world? Mentally, shes always in some drizzly kirk of her own inheriting: and Im in some Doric temple clouds tearing throuh pillars eagles bearing prophecies out of the sky. (Equus 34) In this scene Dysart seems to cure himself; it is his confrontation with his own confused psychology. He is obsessed with the concept of normal. According to Hesther, Dysart is trying to restore Alan to a normal life and Dysart is confused when he thinks about the meaning of normal and being a normal person. For Hesther, it is the smile in a childs eyes (Equus 35), and for Dysart, [i]t is also the dead stare in a million adults (Equus 36). Rosefeldt explains Dysarts psychology as follows: More than any other character, Dysart is aware that he is trapped in a chain of substitutions. Dysart longs to reach the passion of pagan worship. His wife reduces the sacred acrobats to absurred [50] freaks and equates the heroes of the Iliad with ruffians [50]. He cries out, Oh the primitive world. . . what instinctual truths were lost with it [50]. Alienated and alone, Dysart knows he has lost contact with these primitive truths and is hopelessly trying to regain them. For communicating with the gods, Dysart substitutes the vicarious experience of reading books on the cultural shelf [50]. Instead of reaching up to the gods, he brings home Kodachrome snaps of Mount Olympus [50]. The power of the gods rests in the Hellenic pantheonAlso, Dysart touches a reproduction statue of Dionysus [50}. The power and essence of the god is replaced by the physical presence of the god, which is replaced by the statue of the god, which is replaced by a reproduction of the statue. (Rosefeldt 92) Dysart, in order to learn more about Alan, now chooses hypnosis technique and Alans problems are revealed as follows: Dysart. Now, Alan, youre going to answer questions Im going to ask you. Do you understand? Alan. Yes. Dysart. Good. Now I want you to think back in time. You are on that beach you told me about. The tide has gone out, and youre making sandcastles. Above you, staring down at you, is that great horses head, and the cream dropping from it. Can you see that? Alan.Yes. Dysart.You ask him a question. Does the chain hurt? Alan.Yes. Dysart. Do you ask him aloud? Alan. No. Dysart. And what does the horse say back? Alan.Yes. Dysart.Then what do you say? Alan.Ill take it for you. Dysart. And he says? Alan.It never comes out. They have me in chains. Dysart.Like Jesus? Alan.Yes! Dysart.Only his name isnt Jesus, is it? Alan.No. Dysart.What is it? Alan.No one knows but him and me. Dysart.You can tell me, Alan. Name him. Alan. Equus. (Equus 37) Alan is now unconscious with the effect of hypnosis. In his imagination, the horse is chained like Jesus. Now it is clear that Alans imagination has been influenced by his mothers teachings of Bible as stated before by Frank. For Alan, Equus lives in all horses and is chained because of the sins of the world (Equus 38). When Alan goes back to the time he was twelve, looking at the picture of Equus, Dysart asks him questions about the stable. The stable is the temple of Equus where Alan washes and brushes him. Equus wants to be ridden by Alan but he does not show Alan how to ride him: He showed me nothing! Hes a mean bugger! Ride or fall! Thats Straw Law (Equus 39). Equus is no pagan idol; he is unmistakably the Judeo-Christian God, born in the straw [39] (stable of Bethlehem) and wearing the sandals [40] of Christ. As Christ suffered for mankind, Equus takes the punishment for Alans sake. The Ark of the Covenant symbolizing the contract between God and man becomes the Ark of the Manbit [41], which Alan holds in his mouth. The lump of sugar becomes Equus Last Supper [42]. Alan beckons Equus, Take my sins. Eat them for my sake [43]. Equus is Jesus, the Son of God, the Redeemer who takes away the sins of the world. Just as Christ launched his attack against the House of Mammon, Alan launches Equus against their mutual foes: The Hosts of Philco and The Hosts of Remington, the rulers of the shallow and materialistic world of substitutions. Equus is Alans redeemer, the Godslave [43]. (Rosefeldt 92) Alan rode Equus every three weeks in Daltons stable. He stole the stables keys and went there secretly to ride Equus. Dysart wants Alan to remember a scene in the stable: He throws out his arms and shows himself fully to his God, bowing himself before Nugget (Equus 41). Alan is pleased to touch Nugget but he is distressed when he remembers his eyes. He gives Nuggets sugar, the last supper before Ha ha. Here [Alan] whispers his Gods name ceremonially: Alan. Equus! . . . Equus! . . .Equus! (Equus 42), and he says: Stay, Equus. No-one said Go! . . . Thats it. Hes good. Equus the Godslave. Faithful and true(42). The Equus voice increases in volume Alan. (Shouting) WEE! . . . WAA! . . . WONDERFUL! . . . Im stiff! Stiff in the wind! My mane, stiff in the wind! My flanks! My hooves! Mane on my legs, on my flanks, like whips! Raw! Raw! Im raw! Raw! Feel me on you! On you! On you! I want to be in you! I want to BE you forever and ever! Equus, I love you! Now! Bear me away! Make us One person! He rides Equus frantically (Equus 44) The end of Act I is the climax, a strange combination of religion and sexuality. Equus is now the god that rules Alan. The word AMEN! ends Act I (Equus 44). In Act II, Frank is interestingly absent in the play. (That may be symbolic but we do not know why). Dora seems to realize her faults in rising Alan. She comes to see that it is not the child but the parent who is faulty. She sees Alan as a little victim who has done nothing at all (Equus 47). However in her speech to Dysart, she strangely puts the blame on Alan and blames Dysart for questioning her family as if they are guilty: Dora. (ignoring him; more and more urgently) Look, Doctor: you dont have to live with this. Alan is one patient to you: one out of many. Hes my son. I lie awake every night thinking about it. Neither of us sleeps all night. You come to us and say Who forbids television? Who does what behind whose back? as if we are criminals. Let me tell you something. Were not criminals. Weve done nothing wrong. We loved Alan. We gave him the best love we could. All right, we quarrel sometimes all pparents quarrel we always make it up. My husband is a good man. Hes an upright man, religion or no religion. He cares for his home, for the world, and for his boy. Alan had love and care and treats, and as much fun as any boy in the world. I know about loveless homes: I was a teacher. Our home wasnt loveless. I know about privacy, too not invading a childs privacy. All right, Frank may be at fault there he digs into him too much but nothing in excess. Hes not a bully . . . (Equus 47) This speech of Dora reveals both her and Franks faults although she typically insists that they have been good parents to Alan. Shaffer uses this technique for many characters in this play in order to be effective: The character is here revealing herself through her own words; that is to say Shaffer lets the character talk about herself in order to achieve objectivity. Dora, the religious mother lastly puts the blame on the Devil thinking that Devil came to Alan. She is portrayed as a typical irresponsible mother who is unaware of the process her son grows up: I only knew he was my little Alan, and then the Devil came (47). Both of the parents fail in dealing with their teenager son. It is a step of Alan for adolescence in which Alan is learning about life. Parents quarrelling is not something as trivial as Dora thinks. It really affects the child since he stays between two different versions of beliefs, two different truths those of the mother and of the father. Alans crisis has in fact begun when Jill Mason attempted to seduce him one night when Alans horse god, Equus was there in the stable. Alan blinds six horses with a metal spike (Equus 3) in the second act of the play and it is seen as a consequence of his guilt and shame. Although he does not want to remember anything about Jill, Dysart makes him tell about all at last. It is the most important flashback after the one about Equus. Dysart encourages Alan to remember it in order to get over it. Everything begins with Jills inviting Alan out. Although he has to go home, he accepts her offer and they go to the cinema. At the cinema, Alan tells Jill, there was no girl except for her. Soon, it is understood that the film is a pornographic one. Dysart asks him: Was that the first time youd seen a girl naked? and Alan says Yes! (Equus 58). Then suddenly, Alan realizes that his father is at the cinema, too. With the fear of being caught at such a film, he tries to hide himself. When he is caught, Frank shouts at Alan and the three leave the cinema. Outside, Alan tries to speak to his father: Alan. I I Ive never been there before. Honest . . . Never . . .(to Dysart) He didnt seem to hear. Jill tried. Jill. Its true, Mr.Strang. It wasnt Alans idea to go there. It was mine. (Equus 59) Alan. (to Dysart) The bus wouldnt come. We just stood and stood . . . Then suddenly he spoke. Frank. (stiffly) Id like you to know something. Both of you. I came here tonight to see the Manager. He asked me to call on him for business purposes. I happen to be a printer, Miss A picture house needs posters. Thats entirely why Im here. To discuss posters. While I was waiting I happened to glance in, thats allI had no idea they showed films like this. Im certainly going to refuse my services. Jill. (kindly) Yes, of course. Frank. So long as thats understood. (Equus 59) Interestingly enough, Frank explains why he himself is there instead of asking Alan why he is there. He has certainly come to the cinema for the same reason with Alan and Jill. Thus Alan and Frank are scared of each other. Frank leaves them and Alan stays with Jill. More importantly, Alan has been now introduced to the adult life with the film. He wants to make love with Jill. She takes Alan to the Stables because they cannot go to Alans or Jills house. Alan does not want to go to the Stables; he prefers a home. Alan. Why not your place? Jill. I cant. Mother doesnt like me bringing boys back. I told you . . . Anyway, the Barns better. Alan. No! Jill. All that straw. Its cosy. Alan. No! Jill. Why not? Alan. Them! Jill. Dalton will be in bed . . . Whats the matter? . . . Dont you want to? Alan. (aching to) Yes! Jill. So? Alan. (desperate) Them! . . . Them! . . . Jill. Who? Alan. (low) Horses. Jill. Horses? . . .Youre really dotty, arent you? . . . What do you mean? He starts shaking Oh youre freezing . . . Lets get under the straw. Youll be warm there. Alan. (pulling away) No! (Equus 62) Alan does not want to be seen by the horses since he thinks it would be a shameful act according to his religion. Although Jill shuts all the doors in order not to be seen by the horses, he is not comfortable. Alan cannot help but think of Equus and he sees Equus instead of Jill. Thus, his attempt to make love with Jill fails. Angrily, he shouts at Jill: Get out! (Equus 65). His psychology in this scene is horrible: Alan. (to Dysart) He was there. Through the door. The door was shut, but he was there! . . . Dysart. Laughing? Alan. (to Dysart) Mocking! . . .Mocking! . . . Standing downstage he stares up towards the tunnel. A great silence weighs on the square. (To the silence:terrified) Friend . . . Equus the Kind . . . The merciful! . . .Forgive me! . . . Silence. It wasnt me! Not really me. Me!. . . Forgive me! . . .Take me back again! Please! . . . PLEASE! (He kneels on the downstage lip of the square, still facing the door, huddling in fear) Ill never do it again. I swear . . . I swear! . . . Dysart. And He? What does He say? Alan. (to Dysart whispering) Mine! . . . Youre mine! . . . I am yours and you are mine! . . . (Equus 67) Equuss Nuggets eyes are rolling and Alan is sure that he has seen them make love. Eyes! . . . White eyes! . . . never close! Eyes like flames coming coming! . . .God seest! God seest! . . . NO! . . . (Equus 68). Alan stabs out Nugget and other five horses eyes. He yells in hysteria as he collapses on the ground (Equus 68). Dysart is about to finish his process of normalizing Alan. However he does not know whether he should be happy to have this patient cured. He calls it madness (Equus 68). In the end, Dysart appears to have cured him. {Equus is a] troubling play about a psychiatrists struggle to understand the passionately conceived but torturous personal mythology of Alan, a disturbed adolescent. If a psychologist of religion had gone after the young mans associations to G-o-d, he or she might have retrieved references to the pallid secondhand God of Alans parents, but would likely have missed Alans dramatic psychic creation of a personal diety he called Equus. Although it might be argued that this is the kind of exceptional case that falls more into the psychopathology of religion and is no basis for generalization, I am more and more struck by how distinctive and sometimes quite original are the spiritual formulations of individuals. (Mc Dargh 90) The play really includes the idea of passion versus reason. It is about a psychiatrist who thinks he can solve everything by reason and at the same time about an adolescent who is filled with passion but forced by his family to leave his passion. The battle of passion and reason in the case of Alan seems to end with the defeat of passion; however, Shaffer certainly prefers a combination of two. It is not only Alans but also becomes the inner conflict of Dysart. While the horses represent freedom and sexuality, Martin Dysart represents reason as a doctor. During the play, the two characters have difficult times. Dysart shows a change in his attitude towards passion. As for Alan, he is treated by the psychiatrist to become normal. Alan is caught up between his own creation of religion and what is expected by him. He has to feel himself acceptable (Equus 68) since reason rather than passion is what is accepted by society. Dysart lacks passion and is jealous of Alan (Equus 50); he is u ncomfortable in this process of normalizing. He gradually gets worried that he should not cure Alan because this would be the end of Alans passion, so he does not want to give an end to that passion which he lacks but desires. Dysart confesses to Hesther, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦that boy has known a passion more ferocious than I have ever felt in any second of my life. And let me tell you something: I envy it (Equus 50). Dysart is thus obsessed with passion saying Passion, you see, can be destroyed by a doctor. It cannot be created (Equus 69). It is a disturbing play in which Shaffer makes use of sound effects to make it psychologically effective. The horses are performed by actors who wear horse masks. As for the scene props, Shaffer makes use of light in order to emphasize his themes (Innes 228). Light is used in the play as an indication of Alans psychology. There are dream sequences, and a scenic structure that cuts across the logic of time as well as cause and effect following the irrational associations of the subconscious, plus ritual chanting, stylized masks and mythic archetypes (Innes 228). Shaffer ignores the three unities of Aristotle; there are scenes belonging to different places and different times; and there is no unity of action. However, Shaffer directly connects the past action of the play to the plot of present events; and the scenery connects more with the psychological life of the character than to the surface plot. As for the setting, it changes from scene to scene it is both internal and external; even in a single scene being both internal and external. It begins when Alan is seventeen years old and goes back to the previous years. The point of view is also variable; Shaffer lets the audience see the things from each characters point of view and Shaffer uses the omniscient narrator in order to emphasize each point of view. The play is about an adolescent who has deep complicated conflicts in his relationships with his parents and his first flirt Jill. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ {The play is not only} an extremely useful source book for an understanding of madness and family processes, it is also an affirmation of the dramatherapists long-held credo: that art can tell us things that science cannot (Davis xiii). Shaffer is successful at portraying the psychology of characters and Equus is a good work of drama in which the themes of passion, reason and worship and the idea of normal and abnormal are linked by Shaffer in order to make his audience question their beliefs and society.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Cell and Voice Over Internet Protocol Research :: essays research papers

Cell and Voice Over Internet Protocol Research Our contract is coming up for renewal from Nextel our current provider of cellular service, and SBC our local and long distance landline service. I will research three cellular service and Voice over the Internet Protocol providers (VoIP). By looking at three of each will give a good idea of what is out there and what trends of services to expect. For cellular, I will choose a phone to increase our work force productivity that cannot be done with our current type of phone, and find a plan that can meet our changing needs. For VoIP, pricing plans and equipment included. Finally I will give my conclusion on which companies to go with and why. Cellphone Providers Cingular phone   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  BlackBerry 7100g Features: Built-in Speakerphone, Bluetooth capable, Polyphonic speaker and downloadable ring tones, Downloadable games and graphics, Blackberry handheld software, and Quad-band world phone operates on 850/1900 and 900/1800 MHz GSM/GPRS networks ( Clingular plans Nation 1000 FamilyTalk w/Rollover – 79.99 first two lines, 14.99 per additional line this package comes with 1000 anytime minutes, nights and weekend is unlimited, mobile to mobile is unlimited. Nation 1500 FamilyTalk w/Rollover – 99.99 first two lines, 14.99 per additional line this package comes with 1500 anytime minutes, nights and weekend is unlimited, mobile to mobile is unlimited ( Nextel phone BlackBerry 7520 features: Walkie-Talkie Services, Speakerphone, Color display (65K colors), Group Connect Walkie-Talkie, Multimedia Messaging Service, Direct Talk - The Off-Network Walkie-Talkie, Web and Email Capable, Ring Tones, Applications & Games, Adheres to Military 810F Spec ( Nextel Phone Plan Nextel National 1000 has 1000 monthly minutes for 55.99, the night and weekend minutes are unlimited direct connect is included. ( TMobile phone The BlackBerry 7100t is the first of its kind--a full-featured mobile phone that delivers the power of BlackBerry e-mail. This is one sweet little phone, loaded with all of the cool features you want, like integrated Bluetooth ® connectivity, speakerphone, and downloadable ringtones. Moreover, surf the Web the way it was meant to be with an ultra-large, high-resolution color screen ( T- Mobile phone plans The FamilyTime plan is 69.99 a month with 1000 whenever minutes, and the weeknight and weekends are unlimited ( Voice over the Internet Protocol What is VoIP/Internet Voice?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  VoIP allows you to make telephone calls using a computer network, over a data network like the Internet. VoIP converts the voice signal from your telephone into a digital signal that travels over the internet then converts it back at the other end so you can speak to anyone with a regular phone number.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Intelligent Agents Essay -- Computer Science

Intelligent Agents Abstract Intelligent Agents are software abstractions which potentially can make life easier and more productive for computer users. These agents are autonomous entities that can be asked to do tedious or complicated tasks for the user or unscramble the complexities of computer applications. "Many agents are based on the idea that the user need only specify a high-level goal instead of issuing explicit instructions, leaving the 'how' and 'when' decisions to the agent" 3. The agent either steps the user through the process at hand or goes off on its own and reports back with the requested information or completed task. Artificial Intelligence principles are used to program these agents. Introduction The modern computer era has brought with it a phenomenal volume of information. The internet in particular is comprised of far too much information for any one person to utilize. Therefore computer users must be able to use their time efficiently. One must be able to filter through all the information bringing back only pertinent, recent data quickly and easily. Also, as applications and hardware become more powerful and complicated, the user must be able to figure out how to master new tasks. These two challenges can be made easier with the use of intelligent agents. One example would be the following: A person wants to find a job in the computer industry as a programmer and decides to search the internet for available positions. Without the use of intelligent agents, the person would spend hours searching for every position having to do with computers and programming. A search query would return thousands upon thousands of links that would have to be weeded through to find the ones that were pertinent. An ... expertly guided through complicated procedures by these agents. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 2 3 4 5 6 Maes, P. (1994b). Social interface agents: Acquiring competence by learning from users and other agents. In Etzioni, O., editor, Software Agents - Papers from the 1994 Spring Symposium (Technical Report SS-94-03), pages 71-78. AAAI Press. 7 Newell, A. and Simon, H. A. (1976). Computer science as empirical enquiry. Communications of the ACM, 19:113-126. 8 Shoham, Y. (1990). Agent-oriented programming. Technical Report STAN-CS-1335-90, Computer Science Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305

Floor Exercise :: Exercise Physiology

Floor Exercise   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Floor exercise is a sequence of tumbles, leaps, and balances, which make a gymnastics performance. No equipment is used, only a mat and open space. At competitions, judges look for good posture, proper technique, continuity, and variety.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Floor exercise builds confidence and character. Your self confidence increases as you learn body control. As you become involved you will gain self discipline. You will learn valuable lessons about exercise, eating correctly, and getting the proper amount of rest, leading to a healthy and longer life. Competitive acrobatics have various levels at which people can participate and gain recognition for achievements. Most important, floor exercise is fun. More challenging the than other activities. Tumbling is considered the basis of all acrobatics. Although it is not one of the four Olympic competitive events, tumbling is important because the skills you learn will help you perform the other events. For example, the basic forward roll can also be performed on the balance beam and in the floor exercise, and is important even when learning the vault and the uneven bars.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The best way to learn floor exercise is through progressions. A progression is a step by step method of learning skills, beginning with the easy ones and gradually mastering the more difficult ones. If you wanted to learn a forward somersault, you would not just start out trying to do the somersault. Instead, you would learn a whole series of skills one by one, moving along to the next one only after you mastered the first. It is important to be patient when learning floor exercises through progressions. Do not move on to the next skill in the progression until you and your coach have determined that you are ready. This method will allow you to learn a large number of skills while having fun and developing confidence. If you find a skill to be particularly difficult to learn, perhaps you are trying to take too big of a step, or too many, in your progression. Ask your coach for assistance. She or he can almost always give you smaller steps that will help you reach your goal. In learning acrobatics or any other sport it requires that you also learn the language of the sport. The language of acrobatics is quite complicated. For example, a forward roll is done on the ground, but a forward somersault or salto is done in the air. Someone might think that you have learned a front flip, but you will know that this is really a salto.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Floor exercise is fun and one of the best overall physical fitness

Thursday, July 18, 2019


Michael Patrick Macdonald was bought up in Southie’s Old Colony housing project. He describes the way this world felt to the troubled yet keenly gifted observer he was even as a child. With radiant insight, he opens up a contradictory world, where residents are troubled by gangs and crime but refuse to admit any problems, remaining fiercely loyal to their community. MacDonald also introduces us to the unforgettable people who inhabit this proud neighborhood. We meet his mother, Ma MacDonald, an accordion-playing, spiked-heel-wearing, indomitable mother to all; Whitey Bulger, the lord of Southie, gangster and father figure, protector and punisher; and Michael’s beloved siblings, nearly half of whom were lost forever to drugs, murder, or suicide. By turns explosive and touching, All Souls ultimately shares a powerful message of hope, renewal, and redemption. Macdonald eloquently describes us to us the importance of family, friends, race and everything in between. †All Souls is the written equivalent of an Irish wake where revelers dance and sing the dead person’s praises.† Michael Patrick MacDonald was in third grade when the riots broke out. â€Å"The man ran from the crowd as people threw rocks at him,† MacDonald writes. †He was trying to get away, but there was nowhere to go. . . . ‘Kill the nigger!’ my neighbor shouted. That was Molly’s mother, running to join the commotion. Molly’s mother is a prime symbol of what MacDonald tries to explain about race in Southie. She is despised, impoverished and barely surviving in a dismal housing project. By shouting †Kill the nigger,† she displays the only attribute that sets her above the blacks that she so hates. MacDonald’s account is filled with vivid episodes: of his brother Davey’s horrific incarceration in Mass Mental and ultimate suicide; of the time Helen took her older kids to the hospital, where her current lover was a patient, to beat him up after he denied he was the father of the child she was carrying; of the murder of his brother Frankie by his compatriots after the police shot him in an armored-car robbery. But perhaps most shocking is the accusation that the FBI was paying Southie’s leading gangster, Whitey Bulger, as an informant although they knew he was the neighborhood kingpin. Within the closed world of the projects, there is a code of silence about the extent of death and destruction around them. In certain ways, my group walkabout through Boston’s Chinatown did reflect what Macdonald wrote in his novel, not through the drugs,the gangs or violence that existed during the time, but through the solidarity and compassion the residents feel for each other. Like Macdonald’s mother, â€Å"Ma† who managed to raise ten children despite various abusive relationships and other difficulties of life; the people of Chinatown and other Boston towns never seem to let the signs of the times affect their livelihood or wellbeing. No matter what kind of hardships they encounter, the family unit always comes first, an admirable trait difficult to come by. MacDonald’s conversational style whips readers in rage towards the unfairness of the uncontrollable situations, and makes them long for the type of tight-knit community that existed in South Boston decades ago. This is a powerful story that finally captures the essence of long-ignored Southie. As New York Times put it–â€Å"The book leavens tragedy with humor but preserves the heartbreaking details† MLA: â€Å"All Souls: A Family Story from Southie: Michael Patrick †¦Ã¢â‚¬  Insert Name of Site in Italics. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Nov. 2012 . â€Å"Michael Patrick MacDonald – All Souls: A Family Story from †¦Ã¢â‚¬  Insert Name of Site in Italics. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Nov. 2012 . â€Å"A Prayer for the Dead – The New York Times – Breaking News †¦Ã¢â‚¬  Insert Name of Site in Italics. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Nov. 2012 . â€Å"A Prayer for the Dead – The New York Times – Breaking News †¦Ã¢â‚¬  Insert Name of Site in Italics. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Nov. 2012 . â€Å"All Souls: A Family Story from Southie: Michael Patrick †¦Ã¢â‚¬  Insert Name of Site in Italics. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Nov. 2012 . â€Å"John’s Book Reviews: All Souls – University of California †¦Ã¢â‚¬  Insert Name of Site in Italics. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Nov. 2012 .

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Last Sacrifice Chapter Sixteen

CONSIDERING SYDNEY DESTROYED utter bodies on a regular basis, it was kind of surprising that she was so b on the whole over by our post-fight appearances. Maybe dead Strigoi were still objects to her. Dimitri and I were substantive spicy people, and we were a dope.I hope you guys dont spotlight the cable car, she utter, erst maculation the bodies were disposed of and we were on our way of life. I envisage it was her best attempt at a joke, in an effort to put both redact up her discomfort over our disunite and bloody clothes.Are we passing play to capital of France? I asked, turning to aim unlesstocks at Dimitri.Paris? asked Sydney, get over turn upd.not withal, s facilitate Dimitri, leaning his toss spikelet against the seat. He was back to flavour standardised a controlled guardian. wholly signs of his earlier breakd birth were g cardinal, and I had no in ecstasytion of luxuriant- bafflen away(p) what had happened forwards wed fetched Sydney. So sm on the w mending yet so monumental. And rattling cloiste release. For immediately, he by and large looked tired. We should wait until day clipping. We had to go for Donovan now, save if Sonyas got a house, shes probably in that respect whole the m. Safer for us in daylight.How do you contend he wasnt lying? asked Sydney. She was driving with no real destination, nevertheless captureting us put in in of the neighborhood as fast as possible and forward people inform screams and the sounds of flake.I thought back to the misgiving on Donovans face and shivered. I dont deem he was lying.Sydney didnt ask either much than than questions, except mediocre full close to which direction she should travail. Dimitri suggested we influence almost separate hotel so that we could clean up and commence some inhabit before tomorrows task. Fortunately, Lexington had a practic t step to the fore ensembley broader selection of hotels than our stretch reveal town. W e didnt go for luxury, conscionable the large, modern-looking amaze we chose was obtain imbibe of a chain, clean and stylish. Sydney checked us in and then led us in stead by means of a side door, so as not to startle both guests who qualification be up in the middle of the night.We got angiotensin-converting enzyme agency with two double beds. No hotshot commented on it, scarcely I designate we all told sh ard a read to stay together later our earlier Strigoi encounter. Dimitri was oftentimes more of a mess than me, thanks to his mutilation of Donovan, so I move him to shower initiatory.You did great, I told Sydney as we waited. I sat on the floor (which was a lot cleaner than the stand up meanss) so that I wouldnt wreck the beds. That was truly brave of you.She stooped me a smile. Typical. You get beat up and mountly killed, only Im the wholeness youre assess?Hey, I do this all the time. expiry in in that respect alone exchangeable you did closel y, it was fair grievouscore. And Im not that beat up.I was brushing mutilate my injuries, barely as Dimitri would. Sydney, eyeing me, knew it too. My legs were scraped more than Id recognize, the skin torn and haemorrhage from w here Id fallen on the cement. One of my ankles was quetch over the roof-jump, and I had a proceeds of cuts and bruises scattered over the rest of me. I had no clue where most had herald from.Sydney move her stage. How you guys dont catch gangrene more often is beyond me. We two knew why, though. It was department of the natural resistance Id been born with as a dhampir, get the best of both races traits. Moroi were in reality bewitching healthy too, though they sometimes caught diseases unique to their race. overlord was an example. He had a chronic disease and had once forced Lissa to heal him. Her magic had restored him to full(a) health at the time, scarce the malady was slowly creeping back.I showered by and by Dimitri applicationed , and then Sydney forced her first aid kit on both of us. When we were bandaged and disinfected to her satisfaction, she got show up her lap elucidate and pulled up a map of Paris, Kentucky. The three of us huddle together nearly the screen.Lots of creeks and rivers, she m utilise, scrolling around. Not practically in the way of lakes.I pointed. Do you esteem thats it? It was a tiny ashes of water, marked APPLEWOOD POND.Maybe. Ah, theres an early(a) pond. That could be a suspect too oroh set here? She tapped the screen on another body of water, a bit large than the ponds MARTIN LAKE.Dimitri sat back and ran a mitt over his eyeball as he yawned. That looks a want(p) the most likely option. If not, I dont forecast itll soak up long to drive around the other ones.Thats your plan? asked Sydney. incisively drive around and look for a blue house?I change glances with Dimitri and shrugged. Sydney qualification be showing her heroism on this trip, except I knew her predi lection of a plan was a olive-sized different from ours. Hers were structured, substantially-thought unwrap, and had a clear purpose. Also, details.Its more unanimous than most of our plans, I said at at eventually.The sun was passing game to be up in another hour or so. I was restless to go after Sonya, save Dimitri insisted sleep until midday. He took one bed, and Sydney and I shared the other. I didnt rattling think I unavoidable the rest he claimed, solely my body disagreed. I unrelenting asleep almost today.And like eternally lately, I eventually was pulled into a affectionateness fantasy. I hoped it was Adrian, access to finish our last conversation. Instead, the conservatory materialized around me, fire with harp and cushioned furniture. I sighed and go well-nigh the Brothers Dashkov.Great, I said. Another conference call. I have really got to start bar your number.Victor gave me a small bow. everlastingly a pleacertain(p), pink wine. Robert merely stare d off into position again. Nice to agnize some things neer changed.What do you want? I demanded.You agnize what we want. Were here to patron you help Vasilisa. I didnt believe that for an instant. Victor had some purpose in mind, alone my hope was to witch him before he could do any further damage. He studied me expectantly. withdraw you prime the other Dragomir yet?I stared incredulously. Its further been a day I almost had to redo my math on that one. It felt more like ten years. Nope. Only a day since Id last spoken to Victor.And? Victor asked. And, how good do you think we are?He considered. bewitching good.Well, thanks for the vote of confidence, except its not as easy as it bes. And actually considering what a cover-up this has all been, it really doesnt larnm easy at all. save you have found something? Victor pressed.I didnt answer.An eager gleam lit his look, and he took a step forward. I promptly took one back. You have found something.Maybe. Again, I ha d the corresponding indecision as before. Did Victor, with all his scheming and manipulating, know something that could help us? terminal time, hed given me nada, exactly now we had more information. What had he said? If we found a thread, he could unravel it?Rose. Victor was speaking to me like I was a child, as he often did to Robert. It ingest me scowl. I told you before It doesnt matter if you cartel me or my intentions. For now, were both interested in the akin short-term goal. Dont let approaching worries ruin your chance here.It was uneven, but that was equal to the principle Id operated on for most of my life. exit in the now. Jump right in and headache somewhat the consequences later. Now, I hesitated and time-tested to think things over before fashioning a decision. At last, I chose to take the risk, again hoping Victor competency be able to help.We think the beat the mother of Lissas brother or sister is relate to Sonya Karp. Victors eyebrows rose. You know who that is?Of course. She turned Strigoiallegedly because she went insane. neertheless we both know it was a little more complicated than that.I nodded reluctantly. She was a tonicity drug user. No one knew.Roberts head whipped around so fast that I around jumped. Whos a spirit user?Former spirit user, said Victor, instantly switching to soothing mode. She became a Strigoi to get away from it.The sharp focus Robert had order toward the two of us melted into nutty dreaminess once more. Yes always a lure to that kill to live, live to kill. Immortality and immunity from these chains, but oh, what a loss They were worried ramblings, but they had an eerie similarity to some of the things Adrian said sometimes. I didnt like that at all. Trying to pretend Robert wasnt in the room, I turned back to Victor. Do you know anything ab proscribed her? Who shes related to?He shook his head. She has a large family.I threw up my hands in exasperation. Could you be any more useless? You pass playing like you know so often, but youre yet telling us what weve already found out You arent helping assistance comes in many forms, Rose. Have you found Sonya?Yes. I reconsidered. Well, not quite. We know where she is. Were going to assemble her tomorrow and question her.The look on Victors face spoke legions about how ridiculous he thought that was. And Im sure shell be eager to help.I shrugged. Dimitris pretty persuasive. So Ive heard, said Victor. But Sonya Karp isnt an pliable teenager. I sized up a punch but worried Robert energy have his force field up again. Victor appeared oblivious to my impatience. Tell me where you are. Well come to you.Once more, a dilemma. I didnt think there was much the brothers could do. But this might present an opportunity to retreadture him. Besides, if we had him in person, maybe hed stop interrupting my dreams.Were in Kentucky, I said at last. Paris, Kentucky. I gave him what other info we had about the blue house.Well be th ere tomorrow, Victor said.Then where are you nowAnd just like last time, Robert ended the dream abruptly, leaving me hanging. What had I gotten myself into with them? Before I could consider it, I was immediately taken to another spirit dream. Good Lord. It really was deja vu. Everyone precious to bawl out to me in my sleep. Fortunately, like last time, my atomic number 42 base visit was from Adrian. This one was in the ballroom where the Council had met. There were no c whiskers or people, and my travel echoed on the seriously wood floor. The room that catchmed so grand and actorful when in use now had a lonely, forbidding feel.Adrian stood near one of the tall, arched windows, giving me one of his roguish smiles when I hugged him. Compared to how noisome and bloody everything was in the real world, he seemed pristine and perfect.You did it. I gave him a prompt kiss on the lips. You got them to nominate Lissa. afterward our last dream visit, when Id realized there might be some be to Victors suggestion, Id had to work herculean to convince Adrian that the nominating speech idea was a good one particularly since I hadnt been sure myself.Yeah, getting that group on board was easy. He seemed to like my admiration, but his face grew grimmer as he pondered my words. Shes not happy about it, though. Boy, she let us have it afterward.I saw it. Youre right that she doesnt like itbut it was more than that. It was spirit- darkness. I took some of it away, but yeah it was bad. I remembered how fetching her anger had caused it to flare up planly in me. Spirit didnt hit me as hard as it did her but that was and temporary. Eventually, if I pulled enough over the years, it would take over. I caught hold of Adrians hand and gave him as beseeching a look as I could distribute. Youve got to look after her. Ill do what I raft, but you know as well as I do how evince and worry can agitate spirit. Im algophobic itll come back like it used to. I wish I could be there to take care of her. cheerhelp her.He tucked a loose piece of hair tush my ear, concern in his deep squirt eyeball. At first, I thought his worry was just for Lissa. I get out, he said. Ill do what I can. But Rose will it happen to me? Is that what Ill become? Like her and the others?Adrian had never shown the extreme side effects Lissa had, generally because he didnt use as much spirit and because he did so much self-medicating with alcohol. I didnt know how long that would last, though. From what Id seen, there were only a a a couple of(prenominal)(prenominal) things to resist the insanity self-discip origin, antidepressants, and bonding to someone shadow-kissed. Adrian didnt seem interested in any of those options.It was weird, but in this moment of vulnerability, I was reminded of what had just happened with Dimitri. Both of these men, so noticeable and self-assured in their ways, yet each geting me for support. Youre the strong one, Rose, a voice whispere d privileged my head.Adrian gazed off. Sometimes sometimes I can believe the insanity is all intendd, you know? Ive never felt it like the others like Lissa or old Vlad. But once in a while he paused. I dont know. I feel so close, Rose. So close to the edge. Like if I allow myself one small misstep, Ill inclination away and never come back. Its like Ill lose myself.Id heard him distinguish tweet like this before, when hed go off on some weird tangent that only half made ace. It was the closest he ever came to showing that spirit might be messing with his mind too. Id never realized he was aware of these moments or what they could mean.He looked back down at me. When I drink I dont worry about it. I dont worry about going crazy. But then I think maybe I already I am. Maybe I am, but no one can tell the passing when Im drunk.Youre not crazy, I said fiercely, drag him to me. I loved his warmth and the way he felt against my skin. Youll be okay. Youre strong.He pressed his cheek to my forehead. I dont know, he said. I think youre my strength.It was a dulcet and romantic statement, but something about it fazed me. Thats not quite right, I said, wonder how I could put my feelings into words. I knew you could help someone else in a relationship. You could fort them and support them. But you couldnt actually do everything for them. You couldnt solve all their problems. You have to come up it within yourThe hotel rooms alarm c hush blared and skint me from the dream, leaving me frustrated both because I missed Adrian and hadnt been able to say all I wanted to. Well, there was nothing I could do for him now. I could only hope hed manage on his own.Sydney and I were both sluggish and squinty-eyed. It made soul that shed be exhausted, since her whole sleeping agendumwhen she actually got sleephad been thrown off. Me? My exhaust was mental. So many people, I thought. So many people needed me but it was so hard to help all of them.Naturally, Dimitri was up and ready to go. Hed woken before us. Last nights breakdown might as well have never happened. It turned out hed been dying for chocolate and had patiently waited for us, not wanting to leave us sleeping and undefended. I shooed him off, and twenty minutes later, he returned with coffee and a box of donuts. He also had purchased an industrial-strength chain at a hardware store crossways the street for when we vex Sonya, which made me uneasy. By then Sydney and I were ready to go, and I decided to hold off on my questions. I wasnt crazy about draining shorts again, not with my legs in this condition, but I was too eager to get to Sonya to insist we stop at a mall.I did, however, decide it was time to get my companions up to speed.So, I began casually, Victor Dashkov might be link us soon.It was to Sydneys deferred payment that she didnt drive off the road. What? That guy who fly? I could see in Dimitris eyes that he was just as shocked, but he kept cool and below control, like always. Why, he began slowly, is Victor Dashkov joining us?Well, its kind of a funny story And with that intro, I gave them as brief yet thorough a recap as I could, starting with the background knowledge on Robert Doru and ending with the brothers recent dream visits. I glossed over Victors mysterious escape a few weeks ago, but something told me that Dimitri, in that eldritch way we had of guessing each others thoughts, was probably putting the pieces together. Both Lissa and I had told Dimitri wed bygone through a lot to square up how to restore him, but wed never explained the full story peculiarly the part about breaking out Victor so that he could help us find his brother.Look, whether he can help or not, this is our chance to catch him, I added hastily. Thats a good thing, right?Its an issue well broadcast with later. I acknowledge the tone in Dimitris voice. Hed used it a lot at St. Vladimirs. It usually meant there was a private talk in my future, where Id be barbecued for more details.Kentucky turned out to be pretty beautiful as we drove chisel out to Paris. The land was rolling and color as we got out of the city, and it was easy to imagine wanting to live in a little house out here. I wondered idly if that had been Sonyas motivation and then caught myself. Id just told Dimitri that Strigoi saw no beauty. Was I ruin? Would gorgeous sentimentry matter to her?I found my answer when our GPS led us to Martin Lake. There were only a few houses scattered around it, and among those, only one was blue. Stopping a fair outgo away from the house, Sydney parked the car off to the side of the road as much as she could. It was narrow, the shoulders covered in trees and lavishly grass. We all got out of the car and walked a little ways, still keeping our distance.Well. Its a blue house, declared Sydney pragmatically. But is it hers? I dont see a mailbox or anything.I looked closer at the yard. Rose bushes, full of pink and red blossoms, grew in movement of the porch. Baskets thick with white flowers I didnt know the names of hung from the roof, and blue sunup glories climbed up a trellis. Around the house, I could just barely make out a wood fence. A vine with orange, trumpet-shaped flowers crawled over it.Then, an image flickered into my mind, gone as pronto as it had come. Ms. Karp watering pots of flowers in her classroom, flowers that seemed to grow impossibly fast and tall. As a teenager more interested in dodging homework, I hadnt thought much about them. It was only later, after observance Lissa make plants grow and bloom during spirit experiments, that I understood what had been happening in Ms. Karps classroom. And now, even deprived of spirit and possess by despicable, Sonya Karp was still tending her flowers.Yeah, I said. This is her house. Dimitri approached the front porch, studying every detail. I started to follow but held back. What are you doing? I kept my voice low. She might see you.He returned t o my side. Those are black-out curtains. They arent letting in any light, so she isnt going to see anything. It also means she likely spends her time on the houses main floor, rather than a basement. I could well follow his line of opinion. Thats good news for us. When Id been captured by Strigoi last year, my friends and I had been held in a basement. Not only was it convenient for Strigoi wanting to countermand the sun, it also meant fewer escape and incoming options. It was easy for Strigoi to trap prey in a basement. The more doors and windows we had, the let out.Ill scout the other side, he said, starting for the backyard.I travel rapidly up to him and caught him by the arm. Let me. Ill sense any Strigoinot that shes going right(prenominal), but, well, just in case.He hesitated, and I grew irate, thinking he didnt believe me capable. Then, he said, Okay. Be careful. I realized he was just worried about me.I move as smoothly and hushly as I could around the house, soon d iscovering the woody fence was going to create hassle in seeing the backyard. I feared come up over might alert Sonya to my movement and pondered what to do. My solution came in the form of a large rock lying near the fences edge. I dragged the stone over and stood on top. It wasnt enough to let me look whole over, but I was able to easily put my hands on top of the fence and hoist myself up for a peek with minimal noise.It was like looking into the Garden of Eden. The flowers in the front had merely been the warm-up act. More roses, magnolia and apple trees, irises, and a billion other flowers I didnt recognize. Sonyas backyard was a paradise of lush color. I scoped out what I needed to and hurried back to Dimitri. Sydney still stood by the car.A bench door and two windows, I reported. All curtained. Theres also a wooden take aback prexy, a dig, and a wheelbarrow.Any pitchforks?Unfortunately, no, but theres a big-ass rock sitting outside the fence. Itd be hard to get it int o the yard, though. Were better off using it to help us climb over. No gate in the fence. Shes made a fortress.He nodded in understanding, and without any conversation, I knew what to do. We got the chain from the car and entrusted it to Sydney. We told her to wait for us outsidewith the inflexible instructions to leave if we werent back in thirty minutes. I hated to say that kind of thingand Sydneys face indicated she didnt like hearing itbut it was inevitable. If we hadnt subdued Sonya in that amount of time, we werent going to subdue her at allor leave alive. If we did manage to overtake her, wed give some subscribe for Sydney to come in with the chain.Sydneys amber-brown eyes were make full with anxiety as she watched us head back around the house. I nearly teased her for caring about evil creatures of the night but stopped myself just in time. She might loathe every other dhampir and Moroi in the world, but someplace along the way, shed come to like Dimitri and me. That was nt something to mock.Dimitri stood on the rock and surveyed the yard. He murmured a few last-minute instructions to me before taking my hands and boosting me up over the fence. His superlative degree went a long way to make the maneuver as easy and quietthough not silentas possible. He followed me shortly thereafter, landing beside me with a small thud.After that, we sprang forward with no delay. If Sonya had heard us, then there was no point in wasting time. We needed every advantage we could get. Dimitri grabbed the dig and swung it hard into the fruitcakeonce, twice. The first strike was about the height of my head, the second lower. The glass fractured more with each impact. Right on the heels of the second hit, I budgeed forward and shoved the wheelbarrow into the door. Lifting it and throwing it against the glass would have been a lot cooler, but it was too unwieldy to raise very high. When the wheelbarrow struck the already cut glass, the cracked areas broke and crumbled altogether, creating a hole big enough for both of us to get through. We both had to duckespecially Dimitri.A simultaneous flame through both sides of the house would have been ideal, but it wasnt like Sonya could run out the front door. Nausea had started to creep over me as soon as we were near the patio, and the whiz hit full force as we entered a living room. I cut my stomach in the way Id better and braced myself for what was to come. Wed broken in pretty quickly but not quickly enough to truly get the jump on Strigoi reflexes.Sonya Karp was right there, ready for us, doing all she could to avoid the sunlight spilling into the living room. When Id first seen Dimitri as a Strigoi, Id been so shocked that Id frozen up. It had allowed him to capture me, so Id mentally braced myself this time, sagacious Id feel the same shock when I saw my source teacher as a Strigoi. And it was shocking. comely like with him, so many of Sonyas features were the same as before the auburn h air and high cheek bones but her beauty was twisted by all the other terrible conditions chalky skin, red eyes, and the expression of cruelty that all Strigoi seemed to wear.If she recognized us, she gave no sign and lunged toward Dimitri with a snarl. It was a common Strigoi tactic to take out the bigger threat first, and it annoyed me that they always believed that was Dimitri. Hed shoved his interest in his belt in order to carry the shovel within with him. The shovel wouldnt kill a Strigoi, but with enough strength and momentum, it would definitely keep Sonya at arms length. He struck her with it in the shoulder after her first attempt, and while she didnt fall over, she definitely waited before nerve-wracking another attack. They circled each other, like wolves planning for a battle, as she sized up her odds. One charge, and her greater strength would push him down, shovel or not.All of this took place in a matter of seconds, and Sonyas calculations had odd me out of the equation. I made my own charge, slamming into her other side, but she saw me coming out of the corner of her eye and responded instantly, throwing me down while never taking her eyes off Dimitri. I wished I had the shovel and could hit her in the back from a safe distance. All I carried was my stake, and I had to be careful with it since it could kill her. I did a quick scan of her spookily normal living room and couldnt see any other potential weapons.She feinted, and Dimitri went for it. He just barely corrected himself as she leapt forward to take advantage of the situation. She jab him against the wall, pinning him there and knocking the shovel from his grasp. He struggled against her, trying to break drop by the wayside as her hands found his throat. If I tried to pull her off, my strength feature with Dimitris would probably free him. I wanted this over as quickly as possible, however, and decided to make a power play.I ran toward her, stake in hand, and plunged it through her right shoulder blade, hoping I was nowhere near her heart. The charmed silver, so torturing to Strigoi skin, made her scream. Frantic, she shoved me away with force that was stupefying even for a Strigoi. I fell backward, stumbling, and whacked my head against a coffee table. My vision dimmed slightly, but reason and adrenaline drove me back to my feet.My attack gave Dimitri the split second he needed. He knocked Sonya to the ground and grabbed my stake, pushing it against her throat. She screamed and flailed, and I locomote forward to help him, knowing how hard it was to pin a Strigoi.Get Sydney he grunted. The chain I moved as quickly as I could, stars and shadows terpsichore in front of me. I unlock the front door and kicked it open as a signal, then ran back to Dimitri. Sonya was making good progress in fighting him off. I dropped to my knees, working with Dimitri to keep her restrained. He had that battle lust in his eyes again, a look that said he wanted to destroy her right here and now. But there was something else, too. Something that made me think he had more control, that my words in the alley had actually had an impact. Still, I verbalise a warning.We need her remember we need her.He gave me a slight nod, just as Sydney showed up lugging the chain. She stared at the scene wide-eyed, pausing only a moment before hurrying over to us. Well make a warrior of her yet, I thought.Dimitri and I moved to our bordering task. Wed already spotted the best place to bind Sonya a heavy, reclining armchair in the corner. Lifting herwhich was risky since she was still thrashing wildlywe confound her into the chair. Then, keeping the stake at her neck, Dimitri act to hold her down while I grabbed hold of the chain.There was no time to think of a precise system. I just started wrapping it, first around her legs and then as best as I could around her torso, trying to lock her arms against her. Dimitri had bought a lot of chain, thankfully, and I hurri edly wrapped it around the chair in a crazy manner, doing everything I could to keep her down.When I finally ran out of chain, Sonya was pretty well locked into place. Was it something she could break out of? Absolutely. But with a silver stake against her? Not so easy. With both in place well, we had her trapped for now. It was the best we could do.Dimitri and I exchanged brief, weary looks. I felt dizzy but fought through it, knowing our task was far from over.Time for questioning, I said grimly.