Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Media Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Media Analysis Paper - Essay Example al justification for pre-emptive military action became irrelevant in the public’s mind influenced by vivid media images of the tragedy of September 11. However, the result of a government exploiting public grief with a media propaganda blitz has in turn resulted in thousands of innocent Iraqis dying and â€Å"the deaths of hundreds of American/Allied forces, and the destruction of the Iraqi infrastructures – all of which were seemingly forgotten† (Kamalipour & Snow, p.2). As a result, the use of the media has undoubtedly been integral in warfare campaigns, however the concomitant result of this is arguably that â€Å"it the dawn of the third millennium†¦. We as human beings have made no progress towards elevating humanity to its potential level of civility† (Kamalipour & Snow, p.2). This in turn correlates to the assertion of McLuhan that the â€Å"medium is the message†, which is the famous phrase propounded by Marshall McLuhan in â€Å"Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man†(1964). The central premise of McLuhan’s proposition is that the nature of the medium is what influences audience perception of the actual message regardless of content (McLuhan, 1964). In further developing this argument, McLuhan posits that the precise characteristics of the medium will engage an audience in different ways, which ultimately influences the communication of the actual media message (McLuhan, 1964). For example, in comparing how messages are conveyed in comics and movies, McLuhan describes movies as high definition in engaging the audience attention, in contrast to the low definition of the comic which requires a more participatory role of the audience to ascertain content message (McLuhan, 1964). The focus of this paper is to critically evaluate the impact of the media in relation to contemporary warfare with a contextual study of the recent Israel military campaigns in Gaza through a comparative analysis of Old Media versus New Media. Moreover, this paper

Monday, October 28, 2019

The 2008 Presidential election Essay Example for Free

The 2008 Presidential election Essay The 2008 Presidential election will soon be upon us as many   states have moved their primaries closer to the present day. It therefore would behoove every individual, no matter how apathetic they think that they are about the political process, to identify it and where they lay within the political spectrum. It is a source of great contention for all responsible citizens, when others dismiss our political process and then later complain when they have done nothing to change the status quo and do not even know the names of the candidates. This could have identified myself a few years ago. I took a greater interest in the history of politics than what was happening to my country in the present day. I then became aware of politics and therefore, needed to know where I stood and why.. This does not always hold true and there are certainly exceptions. However, the fact that Republicans base their beliefs on their faith and Democrats base their beliefs upon the Constitution first and perhaps their faith as well, such issues as abortion, gay marriage, stem cell research and the break down of the American family, all have compelled me to place one foot deep in the Republican Party and the other foot outside of both parties in the event that the Republican Party forgets the faith of the people that they represent as did the Democratic Party during the 1960s and 1970s. I consider myself a Kennedy Republican: strong moral and religious faith, unashamed of the greatness of this country, compelled to improve conditions for minorities as well as the poor, but always pushing self responsibility, self control and fiscal conservatism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of the earliest and most powerful factors in a variety of aspects within my life, has been my family. It is ironic that the person who I learned the most from, now votes differently than I do. My father is a member of his union at work so he is compelled to vote for the Democratic Party. He does however disagrees with their stances on various social issues. The rest of my family agree with me and usually vote as I do. I come from a nuclear family and as a result, certain experiences are seen as an enigma rather than what was once the norm. My childhood was far from perfect. However, at the end of the day, I knew that my parents would always be there to meet my needs as well as a few of my wants. This did not happen by chance but through hard work and preparation. My parents were married when they were young but did not have children until seven years into their marriage. The reasons for this are two fold: First, they didn’t have the money to   raise a family and second, they first wanted a stable marriage in which to bring a child into the world. As a result, I was afforded a few more opportunities and benefited directly from my parents responsibility. That is one reason why I am a strong believer in personal responsibility. If a person commits a crime, it is his fault alone for committing that particular infraction.   That is why I am against an unfettered welfare system in which positive reinforcement is given for negative behavior. This does exclude those who are truly down on their luck and despite their best efforts, cannot find gainful employment. This does not mean however, that an individual with no job, no education and no significant other who would be there to share the financial and emotional burdens that come from having a child, should continue to receive an escalated rate of payment from the government, because that person chose to have yet another child that they cannot support. The child should not be punished for the irresponsible behavior of his or her parent but the parent should not be rewarded as well. Unfettered welfare irks me to no end. My father worked two jobs in order to support his family. My mother is obese and is in ill health but still works 50-60 hours a week.   Rather than apply for disability benefits which she would surely receive, she cannot consent to accept payments from the government for services that were never rendered.   My father is a painter in the summer and a school teacher the rest of the year. One summer day, he was painting outside and lost his balance.   He fell and fractured his ribs on an air conditioner unit. He was back to work in two days with a bandage on his abdomen. As a family, we were never poor and he could have afforded to stay home for another week but if he could work, he did and continued to do so, six days a week, fifty two weeks out of the year.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As a result, I am firmly against continuing government sanctioned positive reinforcement toward negative behavior in the form of unfettered welfare payments. The current welfare system was started under President Lyndon Johnsons War on Poverty† (Schlesinger, 1965 pg. 761) where it was assumed that people would fight and claw their way back to become self sufficient but just needed a helping hand in the process. It could not be fathomed then, as it is still hard to comprehend today, that people would submit to receiving welfare payments for decades and would even have more children out of the motivation of receiving a larger government check. I feel that it is the responsibility of the parent, more than society and surely more than the government, to raise and support that child. I also believe that if the government is going to help and give aid to those families who are temporarily suffering from hard times that should be afforded to them while encouraging that individual to find another job as soon as possible. The government does not exist to serve as a babysitter for the American people. This is not what the rights expressed in the Constitution states and it contrary to the American work ethic which helped to give America the influence that it is long enjoyed. Hard work, responsibility and self control, I learned from my parents. As a result, I find it hard to prescribe to modern Democratic thought that seeks to protect abortion when parental responsibility would have avoided such issues, unfettered welfare while the individual is able to work and universal health care when it is the responsibility of the parent to pay for the bills of their own children.    The second great factor that influences me is my religious faith. More and more people are identifying themselves as atheists. The Republican Party has shown that they have little room for them.. Therefore, they go, sometimes by default, to the Democratic Party and affect the political party that used to stand for Christian values. It has become a sad reality but one cannot hope to gain the Democratic nomination for President unless he or she is pro choice and pro gay marriage to some degree. Also, many Democratic are for stem cell research in which the human embryo is destroyed in the process. The Republicans do not have a monopoly on what is right and moral.. However, the terms: The religious right and the secular left are becoming more and more accurate, although there are many exceptions. As a result, as long as such issues remain so destructive to the American moral fiber of this country, mistakes that the Republicans make, including many aspects of the War on Terror, it is understood, will not last forever and therefore, people should not be switching their vote over to the Democratic Party.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   No matter how long it takes, the war will be over before babies will be given the protection of life that is seen in the Constitution and if our forefathers were alive today, would cringe at the fact that the practice of killing a human life, sometimes by piercing their brain with a steel rod, is allowed and tolerated in this country. The Bible states that God knew us while we were in our mothers womb. (Bible, 2000 pg. 328) Abortion is avoidable in 99% of the cases if the parents only possessed the desire not have sex until they are ready to endure the full consequences. Some of the blame should be placed at the feet of those who perpetrate this notion of a blameless society in which the consequences of sin which is now regarded as vile as a four letter word, is real and should be avoided.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The same can be said for the issues of gay marriage and stem cell research. Such things God takes very seriously.   However, the fact that nearly 20,000 murders happen every year with the use of hand guns and Republicans fight so hard to keep that right, might seem to disappoint God as well. The Republicans do not have a monopoly on what God wants for this country. However, serious Christians cannot get past the idea of legalized murder and the continued acceptance of homosexuality by our government. Such notions appeal to many Americans and compels others to wonder what our forefathers would say if they were given the chance to commend on what has happened to the morals of this country. There are many on the political left that shake their head in frustration and disgust when they hear such motivations behind the Republican Party. This will likely be the case as religion becomes a four letter word more now than in recent history, As Muslim extremists hurt, not only the religion of Islam but all religion as those on the outside looking in and trying to understand those who claim a faith as religious fundamentalists and radicals.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There has been a minor resurgence of faith in America but as much as Christians and others of faith push for America to be the country that it once was in the area of religious freedom and expression, secularists will push back just as hard. Although a controversial figure, Bill OReilly corrected identified the problem as a culture war. It was saddening but not surprising that during the Clinton Presidency, the Christmas Tree became rather a holiday tree. When crosses are forbidden to reside in the side of the road as a family member tries to honor the death of a loved one, Christmas is now referred to as X-mas and American soldiers who have paid the ultimate sacrifice to their country in a time of war, yet cannot have any mention of God at their burial if the government is going to sponsor it. When that occurs, it is hard to believe that   there is not a definite war on people of faith in this country and, from my point of view, it is perpetrated by people who identify themselves as politically liberal. This is not an attempt to vilify all Liberals in such a way. The Democratic Party of Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson, yes Lyndon Johnson, simply does not exist anymore and Democrats of faith are forced to choose their party over their faith as the two have less and less in common.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Once I began to identify with the Republican Party as I grew stronger in my faith, I then wanted to know my role in the political socialization and if I had any role in it. I avoid fights and heated arguments on the issue of politics. Discussing NAFTA or the growing trade deficit is not worth the loss of a friendship as my friends can become rather heated in their discussion of politics. I find it refreshing that I discuss politics with people my own age who actually follow the news. There are many who have become so apathetic about anything that does not involve popular culture, that to discuss politics, one would first need to be aware of the very basics of American Civics to which many are completely ignorant. In those case, I tend to inform my friends about what is going on and sometimes, spin the information to perhaps gain another convert. I would conclude however, that everybody, especially the media, does the same to a much greater degree. If somebody hears the details of partial birth abortions but then the media, in an effort to calm the moral outrage of the viewer, informs them that such things happen in less than 1% of the abortions in this country, I would then inform the same individual that with more than one million abortions committed every year, if only 1/4 of 1% of babies were subjected to this procedure, that meant that every year, twenty five hundred babies were having their brains pierced by a metal rod; a baby with the same number of hands, fingers, feet and toes as one who had just been born. (Johnson, 2004 pg. 1A)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Republicans will probably lose their bid for the White House this year as the war in Iraq has made most Americans tired of the Republican Party and their mismanagement of it. Even the strongest supporter of the White House, questions when and where the Iraq war will end. This will cause a number of people to switch their allegiance to the Democratic Party. However, for the individuals like myself who are in this for the long haul and wish for America, not to become a theocracy, but to remember and respect what made this country great, to resist those who would seek to revise this countrys history and the basis for its laws. However, in an age of such apathy towards such serious issues that face the country in favor of who is the latest to survive the round of cuts on American idol, I am just happy to discuss politics with any informed and enlightened individual;, regardless of their political leanings. Such discussions serve as a welcomed and relaxing respite from what has become Americas most abundant export; mindless and fleeting popular culture. I will follow with great interest, the road that the rest of the country takes during this presidential election next year. WORKS CITED Johnson, Mark   Partial Birth Abortion Ban Challenged by Dems USA Today August 12, 2004 Schlesinger, Arthur  Ã‚   A Thousand Days: John F. Kennedy in the White House New York: Doubleday Press 1965 Toobin, Jeffrey   The Nine: Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court  Ã‚   New York: Doubleday Publishers  Ã‚   2007 The Holy Bible  Ã‚   New York: Oxford University Press 2000

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Ecchoing Green Essay --

William Blake is a poet most noted for the engravings that accompany his works of poetry. These engravings included with the poems help to depict the meaning of the poems. However, at times the engravings he includes with his poem can lead to complications for the interpreter of the poem. There are a multitude of variations of the same engraving that accompany a poem, all of them originals; some of these engravings compliment the poem, while others complicate the poem. One example of this occurrence, where one engraving may compliment the poem and the other complicates it, is in William Blake’s work â€Å"The Ecchoing Green† which can be found in Blake’s Songs of Innocence. The important thing to recognize is that regardless of whether the poem is further complicated or simplified because of the image, the poem and its accompanying image are still evoking thought, and discussion from the reader. When reading the poem alone, without the engraving two different interpretations were found. The first one is that â€Å"The Echoing Green† is a detailed exploration on the cycle of life. Blake uses natural imagery to compensate for the natural growth in a person, physically and mentally. In many cases he uses a rural landscape to compliment the innocence of the 'green' how child play is completely acceptable and distances us from the urbanized world of pollution and experience. In literature, spring is often associated with growth, and here we can see that spring is the season present. Because of this the reader can link spring to both the growth of nature and to the growth of the children described in the poem. The growth of the children can be viewed as a positive aspect because of its link with spring; because winter is usually linked to de... ...ring this poem with its engraving a few things are learned, the first learned thing is that there can be multiple interpretations within a poem. The second is that depending on which engraving one was reading the poem with their interpretations of the poem will differ. These differences are caused because the engravings hold a large influence on what is pulled from the poem and how it is interpreted. Whether Blake did this on purpose on not, one does not know, however it can be appreciated that the variety within this one poem allows for many different interpretations and support for those different interpretations. Whether the engraving is complimenting or complicating the poem is regardless, the important part is the fact that the poem and engraving together are evoking multiple emotions from the audience and creating more thought than either one would on its own.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Church and Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Issues :: Argumentative Persuasive Essay Examples

Free Essays - The Church and Gays, Lesbians The Catholic Church loves LGBT people with a profound love, just like it loves all of its other children. Various organizations within the church have as their main purpose the delivery of the Gospel to LGBT's. All of us are sacred creations of God, and therefore deserve respect on the basis of our human nature. This essay treats an outreach effort of the church in this area. In the rite of baptism, the liturgy joyfully proclaims, "you are God's work of art, created in Christ Jesus." Today, lesbian and gay Catholics are reminding the Church that they, too, have been baptized. Many are beginning to reclaim their membership in the body of Christ and the Church. As baptized persons, lesbian and gay Catholics share the rights of all the baptized: "to receive the sacraments, to be nourished with the Word of God and to be sustained by the other spiritual helps of the Church" (Catechism) Increasing numbers of lesbian and gay people are taking another look at the Catholic Church, which they thought had previously rejected them totally and definitively. Many are discovering in the Church a new spirit of understanding: "[I]t seems appropriate to understand sexual orientation (heterosexual or homosexual) as a deep-seated dimension of one's personality and to recognize its relative stability in a person. Generally, homosexual orientation is experienced as a given, not as something freely chosen. By itself, therefore, a homosexual orientation cannot be considered sinful, for morality presumes the freedom to choose. The teachings of the Church make it clear that the fundamental human rights of homosexual persons must be defended and that all of us must strive to eliminate any forms of injustice, oppression, or violence against them"(Pastoral). "It is not sufficient only to avoid unjust discrimination. Homosexual persons 'must be accepted with respect, compassion and sensitivity'"(Catechism par.2358, Always 6,9) The U.S. bishops expressed their welcome of lesbian and gay people in 1976, and repeated it in 1991: "Homosexual [persons], like everyone else, should not suffer from prejudice against their basic human rights. They have a right to respect, friendship, and justice. They should have an active role in the Christian community.(To Live) Today, many dioceses and parishes are inviting lesbian and gay Catholics to assume active roles in the Christian community. Ministries of outreach and pastoral services welcome lesbian and gay Catholics to share their gifts with the entire Church.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Study of IKEA’s Product Design and Pricing Strategy Essay

IKEA’s competitive priority is based on producing quality products at a low price. This concept is exemplified in its’ corporate mantra † price with meaning†. This is achieved by creating inexpensive products without making its customers feel cheap. This manta is followed from design to the customer’s home. 2. Describe IKEA’s process for developing a new product? IKEA starts the process by picking what the new product will cost. This will help to determine color, materials used, and design. Next they choose a manufacturer using their network of manufactures. They do this by determining which manufacturer can most efficiently produce the new product. Next they design the product, keeping in mind efficiency, ie. Packaging, shipping ect. Every inch of the product is reviewed in order to maximize their ability to manufacture, ship and store the new product. Finally they ship it. While shipping, the key word is flat, in fact the flatter the better. From vacuum packing pillows to exclusively producing disassembled furniture, IKEA is committed to not shipping air. Lastly they must sell their new product. 3. What are additional features of the IKEA concept (beyond their design process) that contribute to creating exceptional value for the customer? The way they ship their products is clearly one of its greatest contributors to its low prices. By remaining flat, shipping only 65% full containers and by building its distribution centers near ports, railways, and highways IKEA is able to ship with great efficiency. They are able to ship the maximum amount of products, at the right time to the right stores keeping their prices 20 the 30 percent lower than their competition. 4. What would be important criteria for selecting a site for an IKEA store? IKEA stores require a large area to accommodate a large showroom, daycare and food court†¦

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Running Speed in Dinosaurs

Running Speed in Dinosaurs Introduction Dinosaurs refer to a wide set of animals that dominated vertebrates living on land for more than one hundred and sixty years since the end of Triassic era to the late Cretaceous era. The species of dinosaur began disappearing in the third incident of crustacean extinction event. According to reports from the fossils, avian developed from a group of dinosaurs called theropod in the Jurassic era (Paul 14). A few of the birds evaded this period including their descendants. Never the less, birds in some instances have been classified as dinosaurs.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Running Speed in Dinosaurs specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These are a set of animals consisting of more than nine thousand avian and perciform fish. Several kinds of avian dinosaurs have been identified, ranging from those that fly to those that do not fly. Fossil remains belonging to dinosaurs have been excavated in all parts of the world. A few of the dinosaurs were carnivorous whilst others were herbivorous. Furthermore, some dinosaurs have been having two pedals, others with four pedals. Dinosaurs having two pedals assume the highest ultimate speed in running as opposed to those with four limbs. Never the less, some dinosaurs walking on fours sprint at a fast rate as opposed to their bipedal counterpartss. A case in point is the avian descendants which possess fast moving muscles of the upper arm which have evolved by time to form wings and can propel the dinosaur at very electrifying speeds especially under tension or when running after a prey. Most of the present day animals have their ancestral roots among the dinosaurs’ .The world’s main vertebrates that fly are the birds. In addition to this, most of the dinosaurs have been reduced in sizes and are said to make nests including laying eggs in the nests as well as flying at very high speeds. The first fossils were discovered in the n ineteenth century. Since the discovery, the remains have been preserved in various historic sites such as the museums. Every excavated remain has followed the same suite making museums rich of dinosaur remains. Dinosaurs have appeared in best-selling editorials as well as films expending their fast moving characteristics. New discoveries of the same have been aired by media on regular basis. More so, the eroding dinosaur image as ancient monster has attracted the use of ‘dinosaur’ into gaining entry into vernacular by describing anything that is obsolete, huge, tending towards extinction and slows in motion. Modern definition According to Phylogenic classification, dinosaurs refer to modern birds (Neortnithes), their recent ancestors’. Avian species have been characterized by presence of ostriches; these definitions encompass theropods, sauropodomorphs, ankylosaurians, stegosaurians, ceratopsians, and ornithopods (Paul 67). General description Dinosaurs can be de fined as land based archosaurian reptiles constituting of limbs erected below the body that existed during the end ofs Triassic and the end of Cretaceous periods. Most of antediluvian animals are purported to be dinosaurs (Paul 76). Dinosaurs constituted a large portion of animals living on land and which resembled mammals very closely.Advertising Looking for term paper on biology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Other sets of animals were very small and limited to the size of a rodent or cat. However, Repenomamus giganticus fed on infant dinosaurs. Since 2008, various dinosaur species have been identified. One of the Dinosaurs was found to be living in aerial or marine environments despite the fact that some theropods with feathers could fly. This simply means that some of the spinosaurids constituted of temporal aquatic characteristics. Physiology Most people studying the origin and evolution processes among dinosa urs have given different opinions regarding thermal regulation which closely intertwines with speed in a given animal. Initially a hot discussion ensured with respect to the beasts ability to regulate the body temperatures. Currently studies have supported the fact that these eroding species existed in regions of low temperatures hence most of them had thermal regulatory mechanisms to counter the cooler climatic conditions. Hence, the argument concurs with those who asserted that the dinosaur’s ultimate speed during sprinting was very low; hence they were slow moving creatures. An example of this fossil is that of the polar bears found in Antarctica region. Discovery of avian fossils have also supported the thermal regulation concept among Neortnithes. The study of blood circulation among a set of avian dinosaurs is a true representation of all endothermic creatures. Theropods displayed an active lifestyle blood circulatory system that is characteristic of endothermic animals . Warm-bloodedness among many animals can result from various mechanisms. For example, Mammals and avian whose body sizes are average have been compared with endothermic dinosaurs. These birds make use of their energies to increase their body temperatures above that of the surrounding. Small sized avian have insulators in terms of presence of feathers and fat which aids in thermal regulation. Huge mammals like elephants, however, have a minute surface area compared to its volume which is in agreement with Halden’s principle. This feature enhances thermal regulation which resulting from the cooling of the body temperatures during hot seasons via flapping of the ears. This characteristic is important especially during running after a hunt. Dinosaurs speed The legs of human beings are up right with knees that are straight due to their vertical bodies that put the C.O .G (centre of gravity) in alignment with the socket of the hip. Since both the body and the head of the bipedal d inosaurs were kept level as well as ahead of the hips despite the long tail which countered the balance, the femur sloped in front in order to maintain the feet below COG.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Running Speed in Dinosaurs specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This organization is however extremely represented in birds with short tails whose femoral bones are close to the horizontal line on walking so as to maintain the feet and knees a distant enough in front, hence during running, birds femur tends to strongly swing towards the back as opposed to the front (Martin 57). Two sets of dinosaurs namely the sauropods and the stegosaurs developed elephantine biased towards straighter-jointed columnar limbs. The knee structure was reorganized in that it maintained wholly articulated upright. More so, the mobility of the ankle was reduced whilst the hind limbs were kept short. This adaptation restrained the body fr om being pushed in to actual running irrespective of the size. For instance, young elephants always run at a slower pace as opposed to their parents in that at least one foot is always stack to the ground during high speed running. Dinosaurs with straight limbs should have been much slower in running than elephants whose speed is equal to or less than 15 meters per minute or 25kilometres per hour (Paul 245). Neither, is it an issue to ascertain that medium and small dinosaurs bearing lengthy, slender flexed hind limbs would run at similar speed to galloping mammals and terrestrial birds whose speed is between forty to sixty kilometers per hour. Challenges have been experienced in attempts to find out the highest speed in which heavy weight dinosaurs can attain. Some electronic technologies have claimed that tyrannosauras dinosaurs could attain a highest speed of approximately forty kilometers per hour equal to elephants of the same size which is the human beings sprinting speed. Sin ce large tyrannosaurus had better running adaptations as opposed to elephants, there lacks a likelihood of this kind of creatures having been slow, furthermore, some individuals indicates that enormous theropods capability to run was twice that of similar sized elephants and that this speed was equivalent to that of the non-thorough bred horses and rhinos. Till date, the electronic analysis of dinosaurs locomotion processes in addition to storage of energy in the already stretched tendons of the limbs and springing resonance effect of the tail and torso. Neither, has it occurred that the capability of the programs used in finding out the speed could successfully ascertain extreme animals’ performance as well as estimate the modalities on which extreme dinosaurs which include the supersaurapods were able to maintain an upright posture with minimal movements irrespective of their huge bodies.Advertising Looking for term paper on biology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This is very important to note, however, this query has lacked answers for many decades (Lockley 12). It is even more depressing to think about all this mystery since track-ways indicate that the vast surapods were terrestrial never the less, their appearance looks irregular and their weight cannot give support to elephants whose speed is low and which bears a small body size. The supersaurapods needed super muscles and power to run across Mesozoic lands. They also needed pretty adaptations like well built fiber muscles as well as tendons that have already been tensed to undergo evolution so as to enhance movement. If their muscles were pre-tensed then it is obvious that the huge dinosaurs might have very high running speed as opposed to computer analysis results. General Anatomy and Speed The heads of the dinosaurs ranged from delicate structures to well formed structures. The sinuses or nasal passages were well constructed something that was very popular with the archosaurs. Most dinosaurs maintained prominent orbital openings, where as in others the opening was nearly closed off. As opposed to other mammals that consist of prominent face muscles, and just like avian and reptiles, dinosaurs did not have muscles of the head thus the skin was in direct contact with the skull. This adaptation makes it easier for head restoration in dinosaurs as opposed to other mammals. The outside nares are located in distant place from their nose despite the extent of the nasal cavity which extends in the exterior. Among some set of sauropods, the nasal cavity have been found extended in the anterior part of the skull, over the sockets of the eyes. Previously, it was said that this adaptation enhanced snorkeling of the dinosaurs during submerging. Recently it has been purported that retracted nasal cavities evolved so that it can protect them from irritation as they fed on cactus. Most of the vegetation constituted of soft vegetation and this adaptation really helped the dino saurs. The flabby nasal cavity extended interiorly such that nares on the exterior were positioned in normally close to the snouts tip. Nothing can proof that dinosaurs had proboscis. The skin that covers huge cavities in the orbits anterior of most of the dinosaurs smoothly extended to the exterior. The muscles of the jaw also protruded outside the cavities of the skull of the orbital sockets. Snakes constituted fangs that were trimmed sharply. Amphibians on the other hand had teeth that could be seen upon closure of the lips. The amphibians also did not have muscles that covered the mouth cavity. This adaptation seems to be satisfactory to many of the sauropods and theropods (Lockley 78). One distinct species is the spinosaurs whose arrangement resembles that of a crocodile with the front teeth spaced widely in different sockets. Hence this set of dinosaurs might have lacked lips and their ugly lips left uncovered on closure of the jaws. Ornithischians came up with embryonic teeth . In therizinosaurs and Ornithischians the beak was based on the anterior of the mouth where as in theropods including most of the avian the teeth were replaced by the beak. Most of the birds with beaks do not have lips and cheeks .Never the less; condors have diminished mouths due to the fact that their side jaws are protected by elastic tissues of the cheek which vary from muscles of the cheek covering side teeth. For sauropods and Ornithischians the side teeth were always inset, the surrounding cavities constituted smooth surfaces including the foramen which extending the soft tissues. This implies that the well structured elastic cheeks enveloped the side teeth. This adaptation is clearly spelt out in Ornithischians and the tissues of the cheeks some which underwent ossification especially among the ankysaurs where cheeks protruded towards the beak. The dinosaurs trunk vertebrae moved in various directions such as the dorsal convex or the straight line that varied from feeble to strong (Strickberger 57). The nature in which dinosaurs articulated more so during ossification of the tendons of the spinal meant that their backs were more stiff as opposed to those of lizards as well as other mammals though dinosaurs trunk vertebrae were not jointed. Dinosaur ribs seemed to be more perpendicular yet this varied from one dinosaur to another. The hips and the stomachs of the carnivorous theropods were tiny indicating the diminished digestive system and also their running abilities. Large carnivorous dinosaurs could fast during hunger and porch for prey afterwards hence their stomachs remained hollow during the time of hunting. On the other hand, herbivorous dinosaurs had enlarged hips and bellies which extended to the very extreme in that it adversely affected the fattest dinosaurs. The ankylosaurs shoulder blades were more warped along the extended axis so that it fits on the abrupt change from shoulders which were narrow to the bulged abdomen. The muscles of the trunk were made light and this adaptation enhanced their movement. The gastrointestinal system was made flexible to aid in swallowing of food. The tail and the hip inclined con the same line as they appeared in vertebral of the trunk. Amongst the sauropods and therizinosaurs, the tail and hip were upwardly flexed with respect to the vertebrae of the trunk. This enabled the trunk to be clutched strongly anchored upwards whilst the tail and hips maintained a horizontal plane thus an upright posture of the head was increased where as the dinosaurs ability to run on the hind limbs was maintained. Since most of this animal’s weight concentrated on their hind limbs apart from the tail which acted to counter the weight of the body, most the dinosaurs reared upwards including those whose forelimbs were longer than hind limbs. Assessing the speed of Dinosaur A critical aspect to note in finding out the power and speed of dinosaurs is limb muscles mass, which constitutes a bigger perc entage of the sum of mass in the high speed mammals as opposed to slow speed mammals (Paul 45). Lack of muscles on dinosaur fossils has made it difficult to accurately ascertain the exact speed of dinosaur, the best that can be done is just but finding an approximate figure which has had discrepancies from one researcher to another. The complicated muscles of the limbs of the existing mammals find their roots in the history of dinosaurs. Dinosaurs preserved the plain structure reptile muscles which are prominent till date. For instance, the main muscle which are still visible in most dinosaurs and reptiles but lacking in mammals and avian are caudofemoralis tail based muscles that aided in pulling the legs backwards at the time of propulsive stroke. Despite the fact the exact muscle dinosaur sizes cannot be identified, their comparative sizes amid various sets can be estimated. A case in point is the hips of the reptiles which consists of an undersized ilium in that the muscles of t highs are forced to be narrow restricting their size. The extended iliac of the mammals and avian hold a powerful and broad group of muscles of the thigh (Paul 56). The ancient prosauropods and herreraurs ilium was undersized hence must have consisted of very tiny muscles of the thigh. Some of the dinosaurs had deep and extended ilium holding a very large group of muscles of the thigh promoting sustaining power. To some of the dinosaurs the trend was very extreme. On the other hand, tyrannosaurids and ornithomimids which belong to the family of ostriches consisted of large pelvis demonstrating the presence of distinctively enormous muscles of the legs with the ability to produce enough power during high speed propelling. Longer hips were observed in ceratopsid dinosaurs which enhanced large hind limb muscles which promoted the fast fending off of the muscles. Surprising the large ilium lacked in saurapod dinosaur. This is due to the fact that this kind of dinosaurs did not have to m ove fast. This is the same issue with the elephants which lacked huge muscles beneath the knees due the fact that the limbs in which the shank muscles support immobile and short. This was true of stegosauras and sauropods. Fast moving animals constitute a huge stack of shank muscles that manipulate the extended long, movable limbs through the tendons. For bipedal dinosaur such as avian, huge collection of limbs that resemble the drumstick muscles beneath the knee anchoring on enemial like projections in front of the joints of the knees. Bringing back dinosaurs entirely makes their surface contours to be so simple in that their tails, limbs, and legs into to tubes that are simplified tubes and smoothing above the body topography. Among the saurapods, the neck vertebra protuberance, were prominent on the necks as they appear in giraffes. Since the oesophagus and the trachea of sauropods well held up amidst the necks and their cervical ribs, the lower part of their necks should have be en flattened. As opposed to two legged dinosaurs, four legged dinosaurs are huge with enormous body weights. The dinosaur’s skeletons were adapted to bearing heavy loads as opposed to running. The 3-toed two legged dinosaurs used to walk on twos. This is what the cursorial dinosaurs adaptation to running. This feature is important and it has been well brought gout gin the modern avian which are ancestors of coelurosaurian. Digitigrades features enhance the length of the limbs since the metatarsal bones contribute to the length of the leg increasing the animals COG. An example is the limbs of human being which are used for jumping or running, during running, the runners sprint on their toes. Estimating the Maximum Running Speed of Dinosaurs William Sellers and Phillip Manning attempted to find out the maximum running speed of dinosaurs using robot. In their finding they noted that multiple body simulations by use of approaches such as evolutionary robots seem to give steadfast estimates of the highest speeds attained by dinosaurs (Strickberger 87). For instance, multibody simulations, with minor variations in patterns of muscle activation as well as starting conditions resulted to constant estimates. The ultimate running speed in animals is very technical and poses a lot of challenges in estimating this parameter. This is because as far one might try to estimate using an animal on pace, the animal might not run as fast as it could run. Furthermore most of the estimated values of the running speed of animals are given with regard to the observation findings which were conducted under compromising situations. The ultimate speed of running among dinosaurs differs from one species to another. Whereas the situation may deem to be straight forward in humans in that the two hundred meter sprint may be above or below 0.1 of a second the maximum speed attained can exceed the normal speed by 12m/s. The situation in humans is apt for well known athletes with well b uilt muscles as opposed to the estimations (Paul 67). The above estimates concur with the biochemical techniques which estimate eighteen meters per second among ostriches and thirteen meters per second for emu. The differences in the mass of muscles affects the maximum speed and these changes have a great influence on the average speed of the dinosaurs. Another method of measuring the highest speed attained by the dinosaurs is by estimation the loading capacity of the bones and the value compared to the speed of the animals whose speed is known. Conclusion All in all, dinosaurs were ancient reptiles that existed during the reptile’s period. These creatures dominated the planet hundreds and hundreds of years ago and faded way as time went by and until now we can only see the fossils. Dinosaurs were terrestrial reptiles whose locomotion was on an erect posture. The most unique thing about the dinosaurs was the structure of their distinct hips that caused their hind limbs to pro trude beneath their bodies and not spread out from the sides (Martin 56). When these animals evolved from ancient archosaurs, they were pedaling on twos but evolved to quadric-pedals. The evolution of muscles and the hip structure an adaptation that has enhanced its locomotion and other characteristics. Dinosaurs have been purported to have been the ancient reptiles that ran at a lightning speed (Lockley 78). However, there lacks a clear evidence to ascertain this claim. Some of scientists have tried to estimate the maximum running speed of these animals using conventional robotic instrument with no success. Dinosaurs have evolved from time and time and from the distinct creatures birds, crocodiles have emerged. In evaluating the speed and power is the mass of the muscles of the limb (Martin 67). Despite the fact that the exact mass of the muscles of limb cannot be determined due to the absence of the muscles on the fossils, their comparative size amid various groups can be produced . Scientist has tried estimating the maximum speed of dinosaurs. Approximating the speeds of dinosaurs differ from one method of estimation to another. For instance, some scientists have argued that young children might out do their counterpart in running. The various methods of evaluating the ultimate speed that can be achieved by dinosaurs are the same techniques which can be put to task in evaluating the speed of the animals in today’s world. For instance, the dinosaurs walking speed range between four to six kilometers per hour to six kilometers the ultimate running speed has been purported to range between thirty seven to eighty seven kilometers per hour. The ultimate speed which has been said to be the maximum speed of the dinosaurs is the current speed of the fastest terrestrial Animals. This speed differs from one species to another and it is also dependant on the approach used. Each approach used has its own confounding factors that yield different results. Lockley, Martin. Tracking Dinosaurs: a New Look at an Ancient World. Denver: CUP achive, 1991.Print Martin, Anthony. Introduction to the Study of Dinosaurs. London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2006. Print Paul, Gregory. The Field Guides. New York: Princeton University Press, 2010.Print Strickberger, Monroe. Evolution. New York: Jones Bartlett Learning, 2005.Print

Monday, October 21, 2019

Ken Folletts Master Class for Novelists

Ken Folletts Master Class for Novelists Ken Folletts Master Class for Novelists Ken Folletts Master Class for Novelists By Maeve Maddox According to Forbes Magazine, Ken Follet is one of the worlds ten most highly-paid novelists, with an annual income of $20 million. Follett wrote several not-so-great novels before Eye of the Needle made him rich and famous in 1978. Since then, every novel he publishes becomes a best seller. Many have been made into movies. You may have seen these film versions: 1981 Eye of the Needle (Donald Sutherland) 1985 The Key to Rebecca (Cliff Robertson) 1986 On the Wings of Eagles (Burt Lancaster) 1994 Lie Down With Lions (Timothy Dalton) Folletts historical novel about the building of a cathedral, The Pillars of the Earth (1989), has been translated into 30 languages and has sold 14 million copies worldwide. It didnt hurt that Oprah chose Pillars as her 60th Book Club selection in 2007. If your ambition is to write a sprawling historical novel, this is a good one to study. The sequel to Pillars, World without End (2007) spent 26 weeks on the NY Times Best Seller List. Follett has a generous spirit that makes him willing to share what hes learned about writing successful novels with other writers. You can examine Folletts changing outlines for The Man From Saint Petersburg in Albert Zuckermans Writing the Blockbuster Novel (1994). Online, you can take advantage of Folletts Master Class. Here youll find practical suggestions for: Starting out Putting pen to paper Research The outline The first draft Completing the novel Finding a Publisher Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Types of Narrative ConflictAt Your Disposal45 Idioms with "Roll"

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Write a Great College Application Essay Title

How to Write a Great College Application Essay Title Your application essays title is the first thing the admissions folks will read. Although there are many ways to approach the title, youll want those words at the top of the page to make the proper impression. Why a Title? Lets start with the  basics: Is your essay about something? Do you want your reader to know what its about? If so, your essay needs a title. Ask yourself which work youd be more excited to read: The Casque of Amontillado or Some Random Story by Edgar Allan Poe Thats About Something that Youll Figure Out After You Read It. If you dont provide a title, you dont give your reader any reason to be interested in beginning your essay other than a sense of duty. Make sure the college admissions folks are motivated to read your essay by curiosity, not by the necessity of their assigned drudge work. Picture a newspaper in which every article lacks a title. What article do you want to read? Which ones sound interesting? Clearly a newspaper without titles would be ridiculous. Application essays arent that different. Your reader wants to know what it is that he or she is going to read. The Purpose of an Application Essay Title Weve established that you need a title. But what makes a title effective? First off, think about the purpose of a title: A good title should grab your readers attention.Related to #1, a title should make your reader want to read your essay.The title should provide a sense of what your essay is about. When it comes to #3, realize that you dont need to be too detailed. Academic essays often have titles that look like this: Julia Camerons Photography: A Study of the Use of Long Shutter Speeds to Create Spiritual Effects. For an application essay, such a title would come across as over-written, pompous, and ridiculous. Consider how a reader would react to an essay with the title,  The Authors Trip to Costa Rica and How It Changed His Attitude Towards Biodiversity and Sustainability. After reading such a long and belabored title, the admissions folks wouldnt feel like they need to read the actual essay. Sample Good Essay Titles In general, there are no concrete rules for titles. Good titles can take a variety of forms: A good title can be clever or play with words. See, for example, Porkopolis  by Felicity or Buck Up  by Jill. Porkopolis is a nonsense word, but it works well for an essay on becoming a vegetarian in a meat-centric world, and Buck Up employs both a literal and figurative meaning of the phrase. As youll read below, however, you dont necessarily want to try to be too clever. Such efforts can backfire.A title can be provocative. As an example, a student who wrote about encountering new foods while abroad titled her essay Eating Eyeballs. If your essay focuses on a humorous, shocking or embarrassing moment in your life, its often easy to write an attention-grabbing title. Titles such as Puking on the President, Romeos Ripped Tights, and The Wrong Goal are sure to peek your readers interest.An essay title can be concise and straight-forward. Dont feel that you need great wit and alliteration in your title. Simple and direct language can be quite effective. Consider, for example, The J ob I Should Have Quit  by Drew,  Wallflower  by Eileen, and Striking Out  by Richard. These titles dont play with words or reveal great wit, but they accomplish their purpose perfectly well. In all of these cases, the title has provided at least a partial sense of the essays subject matter, and each has motivated the reader to continue reading. What the heck does Porkopolis mean? Why did you eat eyeballs? Why should you have quit your job? Avoid These Title Mistakes There are some common missteps that applicants make when it comes to titles. Be aware of these pitfalls: Vague language. Youll be off to a remarkably bland start if your essay is titled Three Things That Matter to Me or A Bad Experience. Bad (or good or evil or nice) is a painfully subjective and meaningless word, and the word things might have worked well in Tim OBriens The Things They Carried, but it rarely adds anything of value to your essay. Be precise, not vague.Broad, overly general language. This is a continuation of the vague language problem. Some titles try to cover far too much. You dont want to call your essay My Life Story or My Personal Growth or An Eventful Upbringing. Such titles suggest that you are going to attempt to narrate years of your life in a few hundred words. Any such effort is doomed to failure, and your reader will be doubting your essay before beginning the first paragraph.Overblown vocabulary. The best essays use clear and accessible language. When a writer attempts to sound intelligent by adding unnecessary syllables to every word, the reading experience is often torturous. When an essays title is My Utilization of Erroneous Rationalizations During My Pupilage, the readers immediate response is going to be pure dread. No one wants to read 600 words of that garbage. Strained cleverness. Be careful if youre relying on wordplay in your title. Not all readers are fans of puns, and a title may sound ridiculous if the reader doesnt understand a supposedly clever allusion. Cleverness is a good thing, but test out your title on your acquaintances to make sure it works.Clichà ©s. If your title relies on a clichà ©, youre suggesting that the experience that you are narrating is unremarkable and commonplace. You dont want the first impression of your essay to be that you have nothing original to say. So if you find yourself writing When the Cat Got My Tongue or Burning the Midnight Oil, stop yourself and reevaluate your title.Misspellings. Finally, nothing is more embarrassing than a misspelled title. There, at the top of the page in bold letters, youve used the word its instead of its, or you wrote about patients instead of patience. We all make these mistakes, but take extra care with your application essay. An error in the title is a sure way to elim inate any confidence your reader has in your writing ability. A Final Word About Application Essay Titles Many writers- both novices and experts- have a difficult time coming up with a title that works well. Dont hesitate to write your essay first and then, once your ideas have truly taken shape, go back and craft the title. Also, dont hesitate to seek help with your title. A brainstorming session with friends can often generate far better titles than a solitary session of pounding your head on your keyboard. You do want to get your title right- its going to make an immediate impression on the admissions folks who read your essay, and you clearly want them to enter your essay in a curious and eager state of mind. Finally, if youre writing your essay for the Common Application, keep in mind that your title will go in the text box with the rest of the essay, and the title will count toward your essays overall word count.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Discuss whether supermarkets are beneficial to the society they Essay - 1

Discuss whether supermarkets are beneficial to the society they operate within in the United Kingdom - Essay Example Clarence Saunders, founder of the Piggly Wiggly chain of supermarkets (USPTO: 1917). However it was not long until the self serving store was found across the North American continent and made its way to the UK. The initial success of the supermarket was the ability of customers to inspect products for themselves before making a purchase. In the past it was the case that products were kept behind counters and were only accessed by shop keepers. Building on this idea, the supermarket concept also brought with it the ability to shop for a variety of goods in different departments. It was the case that in the past customers had to purchase meat from butchers, bread from bakers, fruits and vegetables from green-grocers, canned and dried goods from a dry goods shop and sweets from confectioners. Naturally, if one were to accomplish all of the family shopping it would be a very long excursion however with the ability to accomplish all of this shopping in one location more time would be free for other activities. According to the Times Online the big four supermarket retailers in the UK are Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury’s and Morrisons which control about 75% of the UK grocery retail market (Judge, 2008). Anybody familiar with the grocery market would be able to identify that there are a number of other major competitors such as ALDI, Lidl, Spar, and Costco to name a few. It is the case that most residents in the UK do the majority of their shopping at supermarkets with only a small percentage doing their shopping at other locations such as specialty shops, boutiques, farmers markets etc. As mentioned in the discussion of the origins of supermarkets it was the case that one of the original benefits of the supermarket model was that it was a one-stop destination for all food (And many non-food) items. With the advent of many other modern conveniences such as

Friday, October 18, 2019

2013 consuming fashion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

2013 consuming fashion - Essay Example The period around the late 70s and the early 80 witnessed a number of technological innovations key among which were in the sector of communication including the advent of the use of the internet. The technological developments therefore influenced the lifestyles of these people affecting their childhood thus their adulthood later in old age (Espinoza, 2012). The generation Y population is synonymously referred to as the millennium generation owing to the timing of the inception of the term around the millennium. Culture plays a big role in the formulation of a person’s lifestyle and that of the society. Culture refers to a society’s way of life, this includes the manner in which the people in the society dress, eat and worship. A society on the other hand refers to a group of people habiting a single geographical region. The use of the internet and other advanced commination gadgets succeeded in making the world a global village. This implies that every part of the wor ld became readily accessible by overcoming the geographical barriers. By redefining the society, the internet and the associated communication development influenced people’s understanding of cultures thus resulting in most people adopting new trends while abandon unfavorable behavior. Culture is never static and the more people interact with one another the more they adopt new likes and preferences thus changing their entire cultural understanding (Espinoza & Mick, 2010). Demographics & psychographics of the generation Y Based on their overreliance on technology and with the formation of a global village, the generation Y has no geographical barriers and exist all through the world. They are disintegrated into smaller groups with each group having its specific preferences. The members of this generation have no defining factor but are all unique from one another yet they share the media content. Their solitary lifestyles thus influences their consumption of the media content making the develop unique personalities and shopping patterns. Furthermore, the have abundant media content which provides them with a variety to choose from. The main defining characteristic of the generation Y population arises from the interactive nature of the new communication developments. This population is dynamic and very specific with their preferences a feature that influences their purchasing patterns. The internet brings the whole world together thereby expanding the market, this makes the population have an array of choices to make. It thus becomes difficult to have a presumption on the preference of this population especially in relation to their purchasing pattern. Kotler et al, (2010) asserts that this population is commonly referred to as toy children. This implies that in their childhood, members of this generation played a lot with toys a feature that influenced their development. The population consists of highly enlightened population owing to the fact that th eir parents most of who belonged to the generation X had a bit of enlightenment and therefore sought academic enlightenment for their children (Iacobucci, 2012). The less physically active childhood and the enlightened adulthood contribute to the lifestyle and therefore the purchasing pattern of the generation. peer pressure contributes the personalities that people acquire later in life, this generation experiences little f peer pressure owing to the independent lifestyles of their parents and the subsequent freedom deposited to them by education and exposure. Members of this generation therefore made selection of their friendships depending on their likes and preferences natured from their childhood. Twenge, (2006) explains that members of this g

Body Image Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Body Image - Essay Example Teenage girls tend to view their bodies critically and may hold negative self-perceptions about their physical appearance. Teenage girls are much more likely than teenage boys to question their attractiveness. This negative self-concept is especially likely to be manifest as dissatisfaction with body shape. Girls in their early teens, or even among those who are younger if they achieve puberty early, frequently express dissatisfaction with their body size and appearance (Williams & Currie, 2000). The emergence of body image concerns is important because it may be associated with the appearance of disordered eating patterns. This is especially worrying when it occurs in early teen years that are in crucial period for physical growth. The more dissatisfied young girls are with their bodies, the more likely they are to undereat, with implications for their health and well-being. Males, in contrast, usually take a different view of their bodies. That is not to say that boys and young men are unconcerned about their body image, but rather than wanting to be thinner and more attractive, many males want to be more muscular with greater bulk. For males, this represents greater power. Whereas girls' self-concepts of attractiveness stem primarily from physical attractiveness, boys' self-concepts are linked to perceptions of physical effectiveness. Analyses of advertising content in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Prospects and Pitfalls For Foreign Players In Chinas Financial Market Dissertation

Prospects and Pitfalls For Foreign Players In Chinas Financial Market - Dissertation Example The resilience and flexibility demonstrated by the Chinese economy during the Asian financial crisis served as added come-ons to foreign investment, such that by 2005 the foreign funds flowing into China reached $72.4 billion (Kurtenbach, E., 2006). Another built-in attraction is China’s 1.3 billion people, the world’s largest population group in one place, that make for a consumer market unmatched anywhere in size and importance. Since the flags on all economic indicators in China are up, such as on investment, foreign exchange reserves, GNP and GDP, exports, employment and per capita income, these all come down to a strong purchasing power. This rises to dizzying heights as the central bank buys off dollars generated from trade surpluses and from the inflows of foreign direct investment and speculative capital. The country’s export trade continues to grow by 20 percent yearly, while GDP, which currently averages $1 trillion, is programmed to reach $4 trillion i n 2020. All these set the stage for the â€Å"big Chinese growth party† (Schlotthauer, N., 1999) that had actually been jumping early on, involving foreign companies in retail, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, computers, electronics, office equipment. World players in the financial sector took longer at the gates because of the more delicate nature of the business. Now, as China turns its juggernaut of reform to the development of its financial market, many foreign financial institutions of consequence are casting an interested eye on China.

Immigration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Immigration - Essay Example While some argue that the migrants are adversely affecting the economy as the inequality between the rich and poor has widened, it is strongly believed that any reforms to drive these migrants would disrupt the economy as the wages would rise and both the employers and the migrants would suffer. Immigrants and low-skilled immigrant workers are concentrated in a few states and in those states, in a few metropolitan areas (Chiswick, 2006). Immigrants are usually drawn to expanding cities particularly to cities with historical enclaves of earlier immigrants (Card, 2007). There is an unbalanced skill distribution and it has been observed that high-immigration cities have more low-skilled people in their local population. America is not being overrun by immigrants. The immigrants residing in the US make up for only one percent of the American population. Besides, the migrants do not enter the country illegally. Most enter legally but overstay on student or visitor visa (Cole, 1994). This only demonstrates the flaws in the US administration. Moreover, immigrants do not fill jobs but create jobs. They do not take the jobs from the Americans and there is no evidence to support this view. In fact the immigrants start their own businesses and employ both immigrants and natives. Chiswick argues that immigrants are localized and concentrated in certain areas but the jobs that migrants perform are still being done in other areas or states and a large number of these low-skilled workers are native to the United States (Chiswick, 2006). The census of 2000 shows that males between 25 and 64 years employed that year, of those with less than a high school diploma, 64% were born in the US and 36% were foreign born. Even those that have graduated from high school have not acquired any other skills essential for higher earnings and there are no low-skill jobs that American workers would or would not do. This only

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Prospects and Pitfalls For Foreign Players In Chinas Financial Market Dissertation

Prospects and Pitfalls For Foreign Players In Chinas Financial Market - Dissertation Example The resilience and flexibility demonstrated by the Chinese economy during the Asian financial crisis served as added come-ons to foreign investment, such that by 2005 the foreign funds flowing into China reached $72.4 billion (Kurtenbach, E., 2006). Another built-in attraction is China’s 1.3 billion people, the world’s largest population group in one place, that make for a consumer market unmatched anywhere in size and importance. Since the flags on all economic indicators in China are up, such as on investment, foreign exchange reserves, GNP and GDP, exports, employment and per capita income, these all come down to a strong purchasing power. This rises to dizzying heights as the central bank buys off dollars generated from trade surpluses and from the inflows of foreign direct investment and speculative capital. The country’s export trade continues to grow by 20 percent yearly, while GDP, which currently averages $1 trillion, is programmed to reach $4 trillion i n 2020. All these set the stage for the â€Å"big Chinese growth party† (Schlotthauer, N., 1999) that had actually been jumping early on, involving foreign companies in retail, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, computers, electronics, office equipment. World players in the financial sector took longer at the gates because of the more delicate nature of the business. Now, as China turns its juggernaut of reform to the development of its financial market, many foreign financial institutions of consequence are casting an interested eye on China.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Structural Transformation through E-business Essay

Structural Transformation through E-business - Essay Example Fred Smith of FEDEX Corp built up his business by identifying a need – the need of Companies for timely delivery of important documents. He invested large amounts of capital in building up an expensive transportation network, because of his belief that a strong market existed among businesses for overnight delivery of time sensitive documents. A centralized computer system existed which kept track of all packages delivered and this was known as COSMOS (Customer Operation, Service Master Online System). A bar code was placed on every package at the pick up point and scanned at every stage of the delivery process. Fred Smith realized early on that the Internet would play a significant part in revolutionizing the logistics of the transportation industry. The centralized database system was improved by introducing various pioneering features, such as handing out PCs with FEDEX software for tracking of packages, hand held signature devices that delivery agents could use to record s ignatures and a website that contained information on package delivery status. Using EDI and the Internet, FEDEX also worked backwards along the supply chain and provided management services at several points along it, where different services could be provided; for example, transportation, inventory control, purchasing, etc. 3. In the achievement of its goals, FEDEX has capitalized the vision of its founder, Smith who believed the success of the Company lay in IT(Lappin, 1996) and has implemented IT systems that are geared towards strengthening its e-commerce operations. The realization that information systems could play a vital role in ensuring the success of business has enabled the Company to survive and gain a head start in package delivery (

Palazzo Art History Essay Example for Free

Palazzo Art History Essay Context Few windows overlook the inner courtyard (cortile); the colonnaded walls are decorated on all sides by deep niches and blind windows, and the intervening surfaces are spattered by spezzato (broken and blemished plaster) giving life and depth to the surfaces. Function pleasure palace, or Villa Suburbana Description terms four exterior faà §ades have flat pilasters against rusticated walls Intent pleasure palace, or Villa Suburbana Palazzo del Te or Palazzo Te is a palace in the suburbs of Mantua, Italy. It is a fine example of the mannerist style of architecture, the acknowledged masterpiece of Giulio Romano. The official name, and by far the most common name in Italian, is Palazzo Te, but this may be a relatively recent usage; Vasari calls it the Palazzo del T (pronounced as Te), and English-speaking writers, especially art historians, continue to call it the Palazzo del Te. In Italian this now suggests use for tea-drinking, which may account for the divergence in usage. HideDescription Palazzo del Te is a square building, constructed 1524-1534 for Federico II Gonzaga, Marquess of Mantua. He decided in 1524 to build a pleasure palace, or Villa Suburbana. The site chosen was that of the familys stables at Isola del Te on the fringe of the marshes just outside Mantuas city walls. The architect commissioned was Giulio Romano, a pupil of Raphael. The shell of the palazzo was erected within 18 months. It is basically a square house built around a cloistered courtyard. A formal garden complemented the house. This was enclosed by colonnaded outbuildings terminated by a semi-circular colonnade known as the Esedra. Like the Villa Farnesina in Rome, the suburban location allowed for a mixing of both Palace and Villa architecture. The four exterior faà §ades have flat pilasters against rusticated walls, the fenestration indicating that the piano nobile is on the ground floor with a secondary floor above. The East faà §ade differs from the other three by having Palladian motifs on its pilaster and an open loggia at its centre rather than an arch to the courtyard. The facades are not as symmetrical as they appear, and the spans between the columns are irregular. The centre of the North and South facades are pierced by two-storey arches without portico or pediment, simply a covered way leading to the interior courtyard. Few windows overlook the inner courtyard (cortile); the colonnaded walls are decorated on all sides by deep niches and blind windows, and the intervening surfaces are spattered by spezzato (broken and blemished plaster) giving life and depth to the surfaces. Once the shell of the building was completed, for ten years a team of plasterers, carvers and fresco painters laboured, until barely a surface in any of the loggias or salons remained undecorated. Under Giulio Romanos direction, local decorative painters such as Benedetto Pagni and Rinaldo Mantovano worked extensively on the frescos. These frescoes remain today and are the most remarkable feature of the Palazzo. The subjects range from Olympian banquets in the Sala di Psiche and stylised horses in the Sala dei Cavalli to the most unusual of all — giants and grotesques wreaking havoc, fury and ruin around the walls of the Sala dei Giganti. Mannerisms most famous fresco: Giulio Romanos illusionism invents a dome overhead and dissolves the rooms architecture in the Fall of the Giants. These magnificent rooms, once furnished to complement the ducal court of the Gonzaga family, saw many of the most illustrious figures of their era entertained such as the Emperor Charles V, who, when visiting in 1530, elevated his host Federico II of Gonzaga from Marquess to Duke of Mantua. One of the most evocative parts of the lost era of the palazzo is the Casino della Grotta, a small suite of intimate rooms arranged around a grotto and loggetta (covered balcony) where courtiers once bathed in the small cascade that splashed over the pebbles and shells encrusted in the floor and walls. In 1630 Mantua and the palace were sacked by invading forces, the remaining population fell victim to one of the worst plagues in history. The Palazzo was looted from top to bottom and remained an empty shell: nymphs, god, goddesses and giants remain on the walls of the empty echoing rooms. Part of the Palazzo today houses the Museo Civico del Palazzo Te, endowed by the publisher Arnoldo Mondadori. It contains a collection of Mesopotamian art.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Sales Promotion Girl in Indonesia

Sales Promotion Girl in Indonesia Sales Promotion Girl in Indonesia Sales promotion girl is basically a girl who is promoting or selling something. She is one of the marketing parts of a company to promote their product to the customer. In Indonesia, the term sales promotion girl has arrived to a certain and unique connotation which is considered negative. Sales promotion girl in Indonesia is identical with young girls wearing sexy outfit seducing people to buy something. They are usually high school or university student -young and attractive essentially stealing all the glances from people around them. It is a bit hard to find the most correct definition of sales promotion girl. There is no such entry in the dictionary and when you typed it in the internet, mostly will give you a false answer, just a cheap site writing sales promotion girl to make people click on that site. There is no information contained there, just ads. They want to increase their click to get money from the internet business. This is some the result I get from Wikipedia (English) when I entered the keyword of sales promotion girl.  · Tell Me Why (Spice Girls song) Tell Me Why is a song by the Spice Girls , which was scheduled as the second However due to poor sales of Forever, the single was later 5 KB (623 words) 22:03, 25 November 2009  · Forever (Spice Girls album) (section Promotion) Forever is the third studio album by English pop group the Spice Girls , drop in sales compared to because of lack of promotion especially 13 KB (1,459 words) 21:55, 25 November 2009  · Sentimental Graffiti which spurred a large media sales campaign designed to widen the A unit entitled SG girls was formed and numerous events and concert 10 KB (1,487 words) 07:47, 25 March 2009  · Step to Me Kingdom running alongside sales promotion activities, notably one by where them off and received the free Spice Girls CD single Step to Me 2 KB (259 words) 04:30, 16 November 2009  · Giants and Toys candy company to compete with the rival Giant and Apollo companies over caramel sales. tomboy girl with bad center of their promotional campaign 2 KB (303 words) 04:59, 18 November 2009  · Purple Haze (album) to the lack of promotion Camron asked to be released from the label. The album was certified Gold by the RIAA with sales of over half a 7 KB (981 words) 03:59, 24 November 2009  · Boys Like Girls Boys Like Girls is an American rock band from Boston , Massachusetts , who gained promotional front page first week of sales, thus 22 KB (3,033 words) 22:51, 25 November 2009 ( I wonder why there is no entry for sales promotion girl in Wikipedia. Is it because people outside Indonesia did not use that term? I found that it is very hard to find a relevant article to support my research. Most of them is just those cheap ads site or the porn site which including sales promotion girl as their tag. Sales promotion girl is something which could not be separated from the company chain of supply. Sales promotion girl is the one who is facing the customer personally. There are sales promotion girl which are organic and non organic. Organic means that those sales promotion girl are the real employee of the company which are in charge in promotion of the goods made by the company. Non organic means that the sales promotion girl is only a temporary workforce which is hired with a limited time contract. The sales promotion girl could come from their individual or from the agency which provide at ready to use sales promotion girl stock. There are even sales promotion girls which comes from an outsourcing company. Nowadays, there is also security, telephone operator or cleaning service which comes from those company. The existence of the sales promotion girl in a promotion event such as mobile road trip or stand exhibition is useful in attracting the customer. The prospective customer will firstly look at the physical appearance of the sales promotion girl, if they think that she is attractive, they might want to come to the stand, receiving some brochure given by them, trying the product, etc. On the contrary, there is some company which do not feel that the existence of the sales promotion girl is important, especially the non organic one. This is due to the sales promotion girl which are non organic usually do not have a good competencies for the product which they are going to sell. They do not have time to learn about the product knowledge usually because the sales promotion girl is usually accepting a sudden job. There are also some sales promotion girl which care nothing with their product knowledge. They just think that they must attract the customer with their physical appearance and just giving the customer a brochure and explain the product just in brief. They just think how to end their shift and get the money for that day. Unlike the organic sales promotion girl who is more adept at the product knowledge because she is a part of the company. However, not every non organic sales promotion girl is like that. There are also non organic sales promotion girl who are trying to learn the product knowledge deeply. They are positioning themselves just like the common customer who will always want to know the detail of the product. They could even be a professional sales promotion girl who buy the product which they are going to sell so that they could understand what the customer will feel after buying the product. Sales promotion girl must master the product which they are going to sell. She must know what their competitor do. For example, a sales promotion girl of Kartu Halo must understand the product knowledge of Kartu Halo and understand all of the other postpaid services such as Xplor from Excelcomindo Pratama and Matrix from Indosat, and vice versa. Thats why the company and the sales promotion girl will need CAD (Competitor Activity Data). After the sales promotion girl has master more product knowledge and the competitors, this sales promotion girl will be a qualified sales promotion girl. There is not uncommon for this type of non organic sales promotion girl could enter the high position of the company and get an important position at the company which she used to joined partially. There are public known that the â€Å"requirements† to be listed as one the sales promotion girl come mostly from their physical appearance. They should be tall, white, pretty, and willing to use a sexy uniform which in fact, has no relation to the product they are selling. Sometimes, they are also selling things which have no correlation to a woman. Well, sometimes, another requirement such as the fluency in English or other language is necessary, but it is not mandatory. The most popular field in this sales promotion girl business is in the cigarette and automobile industry. Could you imagine a sexy lady coming to you and asking whether you are smoking or not? She is bringing a pack of cigarette with a short skirt and tight blouse which hardly covers her underwear. Most people-usually the male would say YES even if they are actually not smoking. They are just doing it to keep the conversation, to make her keep talking to them. Then, she will promote her product-cigarette in this case, explaining its taste, the sensation and the brand, which will not even reach their brain which are now occupied as their testosterone production increasing. â€Å"The hell with the cigarette.† Maybe it is what they are thinking in that situation. Then, she will give you a free sample of cigarette. You smoke it and hope that you will look cool to her. Then you will buy two packs of the cigarettes to impress her, she will say thank you, and left you with two packs of cigarettes which you wont even smoke! Another case of the sales promotion girl is in the automobile industry. There is usually a car exhibition in the center of the shopping mall. There are a lot of new cars showed which are usually â€Å"guarded† by sexy ladies who will gives you a brochure of that car. Both the girls and the cars will likely take all of the male species attention. Nobody could resist the temptation to peek a glance on the masterpiece work of human and god Himself. The business is using the ultimate creation of God to sell the ultimate creation of mankind. From the logical point of view, the practice of this sales promotion girl is belittling woman. It makes people questioning whether the business is utilizing the woman to sell their product or they are selling the woman instead. Well, they are not really selling the woman, but they are selling them literally. They are dressing her, exposing her in order to get peoples attention and eventually buy their product. It makes people think that Indonesias woman is available for sale. Essentially, the duty of a salesperson is to attract the prospective customer, promoting his/her product, and then persuade them to buy the product. But as time goes by, customers need something which is more attractive to make them turn their attention to something. They are tired of the sale announcement, free product, or special offer with small star written terms and condition apply. They need something more straightforward. Something which they could instantly obtained without having to do some requirement. The sales promotion girl is the answer to all of this demand. You want to see her? Just go ahead. You could look at her from the distance. You dont need to buy a product to look at her. It will cost you nothing to see those amazing figure. Its all for FREE!! Sales promotion girl is always being the frontal line of a sale, especially in launching of a new product. In promoting their product, sales promotion girl must have 4 skills in: 1. See A customer of course want to see the product which he is going to but first before he finally decided to buy the product. It means that the product must be attractive to them. That includes the people who are selling those products. The sales promotion girl should be attractive in order to make the customer see their product. 2. Touch After the customer is attracted to the product, this is the time for the sales promotion girl to â€Å"touch† the customer needs and wants to provoke them to buy the product. This is the chance for the sales promotion girl to allow the customer to look closely or even try the product which they are going to buy. 3. Feel Different After the customer coming to the stand, trying the product, the sales promotion girl should give them detail explanation about the product. What makes them different from other product? What is something special about those things? Will it be beneficial for the customer? 4. Buy Finally, it is time for the closing sales. Physical attraction power combined with fluency in communicating between the sales promotion girl and the customer will finally lead to the decision of the customer to buy the product. That is the reason why most people using the sales promotion girl rather than sales promotion boy. Nowadays, some people also feel empty when there is no sales promotion girl on an exhibition. It can be said that in an exhibition it is not only the product which the customer are looking for. It is also the sales promotion girl which is now an important part for the show. The spark of the sales promotion girl world in big events has attract many young girls with beautiful body to do this job which give quite good income. Many of the sales promotion girl are actually trying for the first time but then they got addicted to it. Maybe it is because of the money of the junior and the senior sales promotion girl are the same, or maybe it is because the work area which do not absorb too many brain of physical power. There is usually no specific test to be a sales promotion girl. Theres usually not even a single test held. Just submit your photo, identity, and interview (which sometimes is not conducted) and you are officially worked as a sales promotion girl. Psycho test, which are usually held before hiring someone, is used to : 1. Make objective decision. Psycho test will be supported by standardized test utensils which could increase the objectivity of the decision. By doing so, the decision to accept or reject a new employee will be based on the strong objective reason. 2. Validity of the test utensils. Psychology test is developed by scientific method so that the interpretation of the test is accurate and reliable to predict the prospective employee psychological. If this method is combined with the interview, it could accurately predict the performance of the prospective employee. 3. Reduce the cost of wrong recruiting A mistake in recruiting a wrong employee is very costly for the company, in example in the training fee or the advertising fee. Its not even included the energy and time used to the recruitment process. A psycho test could reduce those cost and they are relatively cheaper compared to the cost spent if the employee chosen is not competent. A psycho test also ensures a high chemistry between the prospective employee and the employer. But, there is also some exception to this psycho test. There is some case which the psycho test is not needed. The reasons are: 1. They nature of the job. There is some company which uses employee only for temporarily only, for example for data entry. If the entry job is done, than the job is done. The company did not need to use that employee again. For this type of job, psycho test is not effective because the employee wont be in the company for a long time. However, there is also some exception for this reason, for example if the employee, even temporarily working at the company, is having an important job. In that case, the occurrence of a psycho test is a must. 2. The responsibility of the job. An employee at a managerial level or the position which has a high effect to the company will be better to use a psycho test. There are a lot of money and cost allocated to those people and if the company chooses the wrong people, the cost could be multiplied. 3. Long term career development. If the job and the position has a possibility of a career development, it will be better to use a psycho test so that the company could get an employee which is really fit between the job and the characteristic of the individual psychological. 4. The cost of the test. Many company which have a big cost budget for the recruitment process so that they are doing the test for every position. However, there are also some company which does not have it. Due to that, it is necessary to find out the need of psychological test which is fit with the position which needs to be filled. Do not find a senior manager with a bad psychological test which is not accurate. 5. The availability of the prospective employee in the market. There is time in a specific job where the prospective employee is very high, making it easier to find the replacement immediately. In the other hand, there are also certain position which the candidate is very scarce and very hard to be found. For this type of position, it will be better if the company uses the psycho test because that kind of job usually needed some specific psychological requirement, or those people on the market who has specific personality. For this type of job, the company will need to make an accurate decision, which could be obtained by using this psycho test. So, by considering those factors, it is clear why sometimes sales promotion girl recruitment uses no psycho test. Maybe the job of the sales promotion girl is just a temporary job, or there is no career path for the sales promotion girl. It could also be possible that the company has no budget to conduct a psycho test for the sales promotion girl or maybe there are so many sales promotion girl availability in the market which makes the company think that there is no use to conduct the psycho test. ( translated Being a sales promotion girl is not a very hard job. Due to by the fun got while working, sales promotion girl sometimes feel comfortable in doing her job. Sometimes being a sales promotion girl could even bring some other fun outside their work life. Creating a new relation and having an easy access to enter a nightclub really lead them to the hedonism lifestyle. All of this are mostly a result of trying or following a friend. There is even some of the sales promotion girl which leave their education; in high school or university. They do that because they feel comfortable in being a sales promotion girl. They are addicted to the sales promotion girl job. Their life has become a public concern, especially for a rich male who is looking for some sexual replenishment, which could increase their income. There is a new slang in the sales promotion girl world called SPG BISPAK which stands for SPG bisa dipakai (could be used). It means that the sales promotion girl could be booked anytime. With a sum of money they are willing to sleep together. Well, not every sales promotion girl are bispak, but that kind of sales promotion girl has really contaminated the job of the sales promotion girl. Those sales promotion girls who feel that they are not bispak should handle the peer pressure of the other people. Actually those sales promotion girls who are bispak is actually coming from those good girl who are just trying or invited by their friends. To know which kind of sales promotion girl are you encountering to is not easy. Even if they are seducing and naughty, that dont straightly means that they are the bispak. The personal approach is the best way to get more service from the sales promotion girl. The reason why many people prefer to have sex with a sales promotion girl is that they are different from the prostitute which are selling themselves in the street. Sex, is not their main business, so that people think that they are fresher and tighter compared to other prostitute. They do not do sex every day, just sometimes perhaps. Having sex with a sales promotion girl has less risk either. From the health, because they do not have sex as much as the prostitute, they have smaller chance to infect the sexually transmitted disease. Of course, that benefit should be covered by a lot of money. There are also some of this sales promotion girl who have dedicated themselves to be wanita simpanan (2nd wife) for certain people. It could be a rich businessmen or ministers. They are facilitated by them in return of the sexual replenishment given by the sales promotion girl. They are given an apartment to live, a car to use, or even with a driver. All that they need to do is just to keep this a secret, wait for a call from her man, and give them the best service that they could. To ameliorate the term sales promotion girl, some company changes it into Female Presenter. There is no difference in the profession, with the same payment, same rules, same job description. Too bad that even the name has been changed, but the impression made by them is stay the same. They are a young, good looking lady who is seducing man to buy their product. All of this sales promotion girl features cannot be changed by sales promotion boy. There is a funny example from Two pictures comparing sales promotion boys and sales promotion girls. Even if they are taking the same pose, It just doesnt make it. From my point of view, maybe because I am a male, Id rather choose the girl ads, and I do not want to see those boys posing in front of the car. It is just disgusting. But there is not only good story exist in the sales promotion girl world. There is also a funny story. When Anlene, a milk product was launching their product for the first time and the company didnt have enough fund to accommodate their transportation, the sales promotion girls are the one who became the victim. They should sit in the truck to be able to promote their product to the consumers. They do this so that the sales promotion girl could give personal approach to every consumers. Nowadays, as Anlene has grown into a big company, they are still using their sales promotion girl forces to keep their position in the market. We could easily spotted Anlene sales promotion girl in Carrefour or giant. Of course, they are not using the truck to get there now. In Indonesia, it must be tough For the sales promotion girl herself to keep hanging on this job. Not because of the income. A sales promotion girl is well paid in terms of salary. In 2009, a sales promotion girl could get Rp 300,000,00 per day for a full day work at a big event such as international expo, not including the commission obtained from the sale they made. The burden mostly comes from other people view of her. Maybe the people who pass by will think that she is a cheap woman, selling herself in the public or doing something haram for the Muslims by showing her body to other people. But those burdens would not equal to the negative view given by people near her; her family, her friends, or her boyfriends. What if they think that she is such a shaming girl? What if they refuse to call her as a sister, or daughter, or mother? The money she get will be worthless compared to all of this burden. There will always be a battle in a sales promotion girls heart. I wonder if she asks herself everyday whether what she is doing is a right thing. Infogue, Indonesian social portal, used to interview a sales promotion girl named Nina. She is a university student who works as a sales promotion girl to pay her tuition fee. At the time being, she is working at Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) 2008. She is a new girl in this industry, who has only just 1 year experience, but has been hired by many company. She starts this job by being a sales promotion girl for a cigarette, cell phone and automobile company. She said that from job, she could know a lot of people characteristic and feel more independent. She could now pay her own tuition fee for her bachelor degree. She admitted that she got different salary from each company, but the highest salary comes from cell phone company which could pay her Rp 300,000,00 per day. From 10 days of exhibition, she was usually hired for 8 or 9 days. In a month, Nina said that she could get 2 or 3 job. Could you imagine how big it is? Nina also said that being an automobile sales promotion girl is really tough because she need to have a lot of product knowledge. The customers are likely to ask a question and sometimes she could not answer those questions. Since she could get a lot of money from this job, she never thinks to work in the office. Moreover, her parents support her in doing her job. Once she heard her friend who was working in the offices story. She thought that the office job was so boring, just sitting inside the room and not getting as much salary as she get. She prefers to meet people just like what she does in this job(endel, infogue) Another story of from the sales promotion girls side of view is the story of Dewi. She is a 19 year old girl, who is working as a sales promotion girl in Arena Pekan Raya Jakarta at Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. When she is interviewed by Kompas, she is wearing short red skirt and a tight blouse with a hat and ponytail. She is working at a Japanese motorcycle company. Her job is to accompany the potential buyer and explain everything related to the product which they want to buy. That day, Dewi could sell 2 motorcycle after she clearly describe the products advantage. Dewi is not ashamed to work as a sales promotion girl. She uses everything she has such as her attractive face, nice body figure, and her talking ability. At 2007, Dewi was paid Rp. 100,000,00/day. That number, of course, does not include the bonus received if she is able to make a sale. At that time, she was aiming to get 5 million from the Pekan Raya Jakarta event. Unfortunately, not every sales promotion girl is paid as high as Dewi does. The sales promotion girl in furniture is only paid Rp 20,000,00 up to Rp 50,000,00 per day excluding the commission for the sales made. Too bad that those girls do not get as much fortune as Dewi do. Compared to the motorcycle product, the furniture product is not attractive to the customer. There is another girl named Fitri. She is not actually a girl now. She is a mother of 1 child. She tells her boss that she is still single and has no children to be accepted as a sales promotion girl. She does this to get some money and hopefully a big bonus to increase her income. (Adi Kurniawan, kompas cyber media) Do you know DJARUM Cigarette? That product is made in Indonesia and has been imported abroad. It is very popular outside of Indonesia, it even has its own ads on the penthouse magazine. Too bad that Djarum promote their product by using those sexy sales promotion girl with nearly no clothing attached to them. The writer of the article ask whether we should be proud by this achievement or not. (Djarum Ads) (Djarum Sales promotion girl) It could be concluded that Indonesia is a hypocrite country from this issues. The country which is well known as one of the biggest Muslims country in the world is in fact, allowing such thing to occur. While the house of representative is proposing an anti-pornography constitution, the capital of the country is displaying semi-pornography show. The capital of the country-Jakarta, which is recently rated as the 2nd worst city in the world, the symbol of hedonism and materialism is totally contradicting the constitution. There even used to be a case of Yahya Zaini, a minister of religion is taped having sex with a dangdut singer. It really show how hypocritical we are. If you typed the word sales promotion girl in google, the first entry of the page will be those sales promotion girl related to sex. Sales promotion girl video, pictures, sex tape, everything about the negative one. If you type the word sales promotion girl and search for its picture, you will see mostly are pornographic photo of them. Better keep your parental control on if you are with your children. There is a site in the internet named They are a company which provide a sales promotion girl or boy service. Here are the information on the homepage. Welcomes to is Event Organizer initial from supply area services of Stand Guide (SPG/SPB) and the conspecific. Since established in 2004 until now we have more than 1000 smart friendly crews professionals which become the main capital in promoting a product during event take places. This website also can be the place to meets the exhibitor/ owner and the Stand Guide (SPG/SPB). Exhibitor from industrial circle, company and even from agent or distributor. will be help you for the event like :Presentation, launching product, soft/grand opening, photo session, gathering, TV program, TV Commercial, video clip, celebration, conferences, meeting, seminar, fashion show, exhibition and other event.As easy as click the mouse, the picture of our crew and their personal datas can bee seen in this sites. Even the service request of the crew can be recruited on line. Come from the service feeder of stand guide, this sites also provid es : model of advertisement print ad and also audio visual, usherette at opening event, bridesmaid at event of wedding ceremony, musician, disk jockey, comedian, announcer, master of ceremony, presenter, singer, dancer nor becomes mannequin, catwalk model and actress. For institution, company and also individual who is requiring employee( formal/temporary officer), like :Liaison officer, secretary, operator, receptionist, marketing, executive and other, we will provide as according to criterion characteristic required.In the advances, we also provides package event of celebration ( music group, singer, DJ, dancer, comedy, MC and other) tidy with theme based on the request; of the event organizer. ( At this site, the customer could use a sales promotion girl to be : Hormein24 Stand guide Presenter Singer Interpreter Usher Master of Ceremony Dancer City Guides Print ad model Cinema casting Liaison office Musician Audio visual model Catwalk Escort/companion DJ Hormein24 In certain event such as: Hormein24 Exhibition Cinema casting Wedding ceremony Music concert Entertainment Shooting Product launching Photo session Sports event Seminar Fashion show Tour Hormein24 We could see that this site is really providing competent sales promotion girl in many different type of event. If only every sales promotion girl could follow this good example, the negative image of a sales promotion girl could perish. From the request tab of, we could see that all we need to do to use one of their crew services is by just simply sending the client identity, interested in using their service as, for what event, the date, time, and place of the event, and the client could even choose the crew which they want to use. There are a picture for every crew in The client just need to tick the sales promotion girl which they want from the total 55 crew of This practice looks like we are choosing the girls which we want to use in the massage center. There are also other sales promotion girl agency which opens their recruitment at the internet. They are also offering their service through the internet. This is the result I find when I type the keyword sales promotion girl agency in google  · Hiburan Model Indonesia 29 Apr 2009 Bursa lowongan kerja Sales Promotions Girl/Stand Guide. Elok Agency Agensi SPG (sales promotion girl). Jakarta. Kamis, 21-Agustus-2008, Tembolok Mirip  · Model Indonesia Network Foto Model Agency Photo Model model agency management artis fashion model indonesia foto model indonesia models indonesia Sales Promotion Girl (SPG)  · Calon Model Wanita Tembolok Mirip  · spg Foto Model Agency Photo Model Indonesia | Cari Artis model agency management artis fashion model indonesia foto model Lowongan Kerja SPG SEPATU CV BINA CIPTA MANDIRI di Sidoarjo November 2009. Tembolok Mirip  · Doeta Agency, SPG agency, SPG event, Usher, Umbrella girl, Caddie 13 Nov 2009 Doeta Agency, SPG agency, SPG event, Usher, Umbrella girl, Caddie | Architect Contractor Forums : Architect Property Club | Ad | 88DB Tembolok  · Kerjasama Dancer , sexy dancer , SPG (sales promotion girl 30 Jun 2008 FAMOUS AGENCY adalah pe